Pandaren Can't Complete 'Joining The Alliance' Quest

I am NOT on the ptr.

I made a Pandaren character and when getting to Stormwind, I picked up the starting quest to get the Kul Tiras. I went to then go turn in the 'Joining the Alliance" quest but, King Anduin Wrynn was not on his throne. Instead, the king was in the Petitioner’s Chamber where you have to go for the Kul Tiras quest and talking to him wouldn’t let me complete ‘Joining the Alliance’.

I am new, I don’t know what to do, please help!


I have the exact same issue - unable to complete joining the alliance - the king is not on the throne and I cannot turn the quest in


I am also having the problem… does anyone have a fix???

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I am also having the same issue. Please fix this ASAP.

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I just saw this on wowhead.

I too had the issue where King Anduin Wrynn was not spawning in the throne room. I abandoned this quest, the proceeded to do the one he gives you to speak to Jaina Proudmoore to go to kul tiras (got this quest from a room on the left as you go into stormwind keep from King Anduin Wrynn) i completed this quest, logged out of wow, deleted cache folder (program filex x86-world of warcraft-retail-cache) logged back in, accepted the joining the alliance quest again and King Anduin Wrynn then appeared on the throne in the throne room and the issue was fixed for me. I hope this helps any others who have or are experiencing this rather irritating issue. ( character was a PANDAREN)


Why are simple bugs like this still happening in 2021? Maybe if Blizzard developers and management not SAing female staffers they’d have more time to do their jobs and make the game work.


It’s 2022, and this problem still exists. Just like Konanhunter (who commented how he resolved the issue), I had to do the quest where you sail out with Jaina Proudmoore. However, before completing that, I had to set the campaign timeline to MoP.

To reiterate, you must set the campaign timeline to MoP, and then do the Jaina Proudmoore quest.

After completing her quest, I logged out, closed everything, logged back in, and I was officially in the alliance and can use all of the alliance mounts I had.

You no longer need to speak to the [dead] king.

This was my experience and how I resolved the issue.


If you do what I did-- pick up quests, go to Anduin in the castle-- you have to abandon ALL quests-- including the one you got from the Wandering Turtle Isle-- and return to the hot air balloon in which you arrived at the gates of Stormwind. Pick the quest back up from your Pandaren friends whose name I cannot remember how to spell-- Aysa or something. Do not pick up other quests along the way this time! Instead of going to Anduin, go to Chromie (shows up as an hourglass on the world map). Set the timeline to MoP. Now go to the castle. You should get the old cut scene with Varian when you go to the castle.

After that, talk to Rell Nightwind. I am currently heading to Pandaria with the Alliance to start those quests. I’ll report back. Maybe I’ve found a way to not join either side, finally. lol

EDIT: Well, I’m completing quests. /shrug I don’t know… if the devs want Pandaren to to the Kul Tiras bit, there is a way around it. I don’t know if I am actually Alliance or not, but I am completing quests.

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This happened to me. Logging out and back again fixed it.

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I did try that, and it did not work for me. I was able to complete quests, but I am not able to use any mounts (level 17) other than the chauffeur. I talked to Jaina and now am sailing back from Boralus to Stormwind. This is very convoluted. Just remove it all together and make Pandaren part of the Alliance as soon as they arrive.

EDIT: I had to exit the game, and when I came back, I was able to complete the quest. I also scratched my left ear and ate some chili. Shredded cheddar cheese-- the thick kind. Hope this helps!


This is still happening. I’m not going to do all of the steps that the paladin mentioned a few comments earlier. How do I report this bug?

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2023 and this is still happening.

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December 2023, still an issue.

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Sadly. And isn’t there an easier way at all to get around this? Or do I actually have to start the BFA questline, then come back to be able to complete this one quest?

This will happen if you grab the “Battle for Azeroth: Tides of War” quest before talking to the king. I abandoned that quest and he materialized where he should be.

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Almost 2024 and this is still kind of an issue. I just had to progress the campaign quest past the Kings involvement. Basically go to Boralus and do the basics there. Then dont accept the next quest offer. I stopped after listening to the old timers tale. Abandoned all quests. Went back to the hot air ballon. Got quest to join Alliance. Ran to castle. Kings on his… Throne? Where hes supposed to be anyway.

Blizzard… get your sh*t together.

This fixed it! Thank you so much!

2025 and shis is still am issue. :woman_facepalming: