So! As many of you are aware, after levelling your Panda-remix Allied Race character to 50 — You don’t get the questline, and it’s been told that it will eventually become available when the remix is over and they convert to full-fledged retail (But that’s a bit of a wait, eh?)
There’s a loophole for this …
- Level your remix character to 50 …
- Log on to your non-remix character who’s the same sort of Allied race as the one you levelled, who is above level 50 (regardless whether or not they were boosted or race-changed into them)
And you’ll have the questline appear right away!
Oh that’s awesome! I’lll look into it if I go for anymore characters
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Slightly confused.
If you already have the allied race above lvl 50, that would mean they are eligible to get the heritage armor already, so why would you need to level it up during Remix?
A boosted character I understand, but an existing one?
Yeahnah so it’s moreso for people who have X allied-race already at a high level — but didn’t level them up (so either boosted or race-changed) as the Allied race.
Anyway yeah, I went from my remix character to my warlock and had the quest suddenly appear — Kid you not, I must’ve had the surprised Pikachu face
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Boosted or race changed characters are not eligible.
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However — if you’ve levelled an Allied-Race to the required level, you can go on that character and complete the quest to earn the gear.
SOURCE: Me, I just did it. lol
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Well now you done gone ruined it when…“They” … read this post.
I look forward to the wowhead post indicating this has been hotfixed.
Seriously though, I was wondering about this. Thanks!
Yay to the mogs!
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Interesting. I don’t think I’ll bother race changing any characters to take advantage of this but it is a bit of a comfort to know that the behind-the-scenes programming necessary to unlock the heritage armors for Remix characters is working properly.
Given the other bugs I had my concerns that I was going to level several allied races for their armors in Remix and be very irate when they got converted over and didn’t have the quest
I mean it might work with freshly made characters outside of remix too, but I have yet to try that.
Ages back I had WoW-credit added due to buying a physical collectors edition and over-writing the digital edition (being reimbursed credit), so used the funds to race-change my warlock into a void-elf I probably would’ve chosen Draenei at the time, but they weren’t available for warlocks yet — but as above with recent events, it turned out beneficial in my favour nonetheless
Pretty specific circumstances for that, but cool. I’m sure a few people will ve able to take advantage of it.