I’m finally going to get around to my remix death knight. Aside from open world content and lfr and lfg I also plans on doing battle ground. So my question is what profession it’s most helpful for this?
None are really useful.
Engineering used to be fun for PVP back in the day, things like Gliders and Goblin Rocket Boots. It’s been a long time sine I’ve seen stuff like that though. I think Gliders still exist though.
Nitro boosts and gliders exist, the speed boots have been nerfed in pvp though by a significant amount last time I checked.
Very little usefulness. Blacksmiths can repair plate armor for free if you want to save on bills. Alchemists get extra duration on flasks. No real, unique benefits from engineering this xpac, even combat rez is useable by anyone and purchasable on AH.
That sounds awesome. I wonder why my tailors can’t mend their own robes.
Yeah, I just realized I don’t know if it’s still true this xpac, but I assume so.
Can you still do the remix? I was under the impression it was a limited time event.
It’s finished. The characters from remix got transferred to retail when it ended.
Herbing and Mining…so you can farm up some gold while you wait for those PvP and LFR queues to pop.
It’s finished I just hadn’t touched it since it was transferred
Noob question but i thought Panda remix had ended?
need to make panda slimdown and sexier
Eng for nitro boosts and tailoring for nets. (An extra root for a dk can be really OP)
Don’t engineers get a extra free stun with the high explosives? Or do those simply not work?