How do pandas get the versa buff again in arena? And how much is it for? I have been seeing some out dated comments about the buff not being updated to DF and then a video saying that it is good in pvp for panda. Please help thanks!
Pre-mixed pot of noodles from the honor vendor in Ashran.
Some panda annoyed holinka on twitter until it got fixed.
Thanks Bae <3, do you know how much verse it gives?
Just think of it as the usual 1% stat combat racial that you have to remember to nibbble on some noddles for.
- Pathetic. Dis how many my panda had
I’m on a diet and don’t die enough to warrant carrying very many.
I know who that panda is lol.
man why are the noodles still in ASHRAN OF ALL PLACES
it’s been YEARS