Palworld base location?

Gportal already went from a 4 server to 10. 4 was really cheap like only 5$ I think a month. *EDIT Oh and if you go through them turn on full backups at no extra cost. Any major issues one click whole server roles back a day.

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Oh wow that sounds really good then. Do they have servers for other things like Ark and or minecraft or is it just Palworld?

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Yup, four years now also have hosted Mineraft and Ark through them. You can even get a donation link and send it your friends or post in discord. Most I know throw a buck here or there to help with costs.

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Imagine not wanting some competition for Pokemon so that Gamefreak actually has to do some work for once. The last few pokemon generations have been absolute crap.

I welcome the cavalcade of indie pokemon games, and of Palworld, coming to kick Pokemon in the rear and force them to do something actually good fir a change.

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palworld was just pokemon copium and everyone successfully ate it up

Oh yeah for sure and to me, pokemon / digimon are a style and as long as it isn’t like… “poke” stuff or naming similarly to theirs etc then to me… it’s fair game.

Palworld has that pokemon esque art style but yeah I hope it goes good.

I hope they have expansions and stuff.

It’s more Ark / digimon than pokemon. The building style is A LOT like… A LOT like ark even down to the tech points etc.


yes it is, even to making your model to an absolute abomination which was a customization feature well know in ark.

Lol I made a dino go super fast and painted it like sonic the hedgehog…

I wonder if I have pictures somewhere let me see.

I did not take any pictures… :frowning:


I mean, Warhammer totally invented humans fighting orcs. (Tolkien)

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And pokemon didn’t rip off Digimon?

There are monster collecting games older than Pokemon.

Hawkens… pokemon was 96 and digimon was 97

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Imagine pushing for the concept that a corporation can lay claim to an art style and prohibit anyone from publishing anything that looks similar.

“[Blizzard co-founder] Allen Adham hoped to obtain a license to the Warhammer universe to try to increase sales by brand recognition”, Wyatt says. “Warhammer was a huge inspiration for the art-style of Warcraft, but a combination of factors, including a lack of traction on business terms and a fervent desire on the part of virtually everyone else on the development team (myself included) to control our own universe nixed any potential for a deal. We had already had terrible experiences working with DC Comics on “Death and Return of Superman” and “Justice League Task Force”, and wanted no similar issues for our new game.”

(just not in the way the AI people think it works)

im not talkin about the year it was released, im talkin about monster designs.

Oh was Digimon in dev first than pokemon?

idk i saw a comment somewhere saying the creators of pokemon took a “inspiration” idea from some the digimon monsters in later stuff…

didn’t bother looking into it, because theres too many pokemon to compare, and i barely know any digimon.

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Ah got you fair. Yeah that idk

plus pokemon rips off irl animals anyway :stuck_out_tongue:
they literally got a flamingo.