Pally/dh help

Hi all, hope this post finds you well.

I need some thoughts on what to do, im alittle stuck.

I do both pve and rp, im having a problem trying to pick one to main there play style is abit different but i like both styles ( although pally feels a bit werid almost clunky at times, and momentum can have some of its frustration, but both are good)

I l9ve single target with some burst and in a way both hit that mark.

However the bigger problem is the rp. I feel like the dh is abit of a open canvas and i can be apart of a secret order had some bad things happen in his past and has to struggle with it.

The pally though i feel has abit of hate to it, we kind of have this theme being very by the book, holyer than thou. Some times seems to limit who to interact with.( had a few people not want to interact with my pally just cause he is a pally, they did talk ooc. just ic didnt want anything to do with the light and the church which is fair i guess.)

So im kind of stuck between the two. Also with the changes to ret pally ( i only dps) is abit exciting but dont know if i should trust the changes.

So i dont know which to lean to, im not asking for you to pick for me but im trying to brainstorm ideas and come up with different perspectives.

Thank you again for your time and help!!

I have a light forged pally/and a night elf dh

I don’t quite understand your statement, is your group having an attitude of “holier than thou” or is that how you see yourself being required to play?

There is wider spectrum of Paladin play than most people seem to think.

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I figured it out, thanks any ways.

Regarding Paladin, I think it’s important to remember that they are not so much about being “holy” and “good” as much as they are bound to their particular oath and/or honor system, and are always concerned with doing what is “right” and “just” to them and, of course, fighting evil (whatever they deem this to be).

Think about the Scarlet Crusade. Most would consider them to be violent, zealous in every negative sense, hateful, etc, especially regarding their crusaders/paladins. However, they also genuinely believe their cause is righteous, that everyone other than them is maligned, and that zealotry is what their law/honor is all about. In this sense they accomplish what paladins should do, even though they are essentially evil by everyone else’s standards. They’re committed to their (crooked) order because they agree with it, and they are willing to die for it.

I think there are awesome opportunities to RP complex and even morally questionable paladins, you just have to commit to the idea of standing by a cause or oath through thick and thin, and thinking of how your character justifies/believes in what they consider to be the greater good, and how the light works in their favor even if others disagree with them. I am with you though in disliking the traditional image of a paladin as being an unconditional do-gooder (or boyscout), though, so I get your reluctance.