hello, i have finally been able to commit to long hours to wow again, its been awhile sense iv done any hardcore raiding back in wotlk. i would very much like to get back into more raiding and mythic+ grind with a guild that is friendly and active. please let me know if i have a home with a guild actively looking for a tank or ret pally
discord XxnejixX#3721
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Hey there! We’d be happy to take in another Ret Pally, I’ll leave our info below but hit me up if you’re interested in chatting about a raid spot!
Chaotic Neutral is a long-established semi-hardcore guild located on Alliance Turalyon that has been around since TBC! While we aren’t a hardcore CE push guild we do like to push as far as we can into mythic with a relaxed and chill raid environment, we’re a guild that prefers to have fun than get angry about progress.
We raid Tues/Weds from 7:30-10:30 pm EST with an optional Saturday extra prog/alt night in the same time frame if we have the people. If you’d like more info on our previous progress please visit our WoWProg page, for our loot rules please visit our forum post. All we ask of raiders is to research fights and research your own class so you can play to the best of your ability!
We’re currently 9/9N & 5/9H Aberrus!
We also have members who love running all levels of keys, and would be happy to bring more people along!
I’ll leave all our additional info below that I recommend checking out, but if you’re interested then please add my btag or discord to get in contact or put in an app on our guild site, hope to hear from you and if not then good luck on your search! 
Guild Site: http://www.cnguild.org/
Forum Post: [A][Turalyon] - 8/8H & 3/8M | Recruiting for Dragonflight! Class Needs updated!
Guilds of WoW Page: https://guildsofwow.com/chaotic-neutral
WoW Progress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/turalyon/Chaotic+Neutral
Recruitment Contacts: Btag - GingerHeals#11438 | Discord - Sulveris#2701
Heya Nejixx,
The Knights Who Say Ni are recruiting for season 2 raid and m+. We currently are in need of tanks! But we do welcome all rolls with chill gamers. We are season 1 AOTC / KSM.
We are a semi-casual close knit guild. Always active discord. A lot of fun and helpful people. Raid schedule is Tue/Sun 6:30pm EST and run m+ keys throughout the week.
Feel free to reach out to us:
Phatkid#6961 discord phatzas#1112 btag
Gins#1561 discord
(Bruh) is a small group of veteran, no drama WoW folks focused on M+ and Raiding. We always get AOTC regularly before nerfs hit and go for and help others get Keystone Master. Currently, we are looking for dps.
N9/9 ATSC with plans on Heroic next week.
Our raid Schedule is Sat/Sun 6:00-8:30 PST
Please feel free to add me on Discord Levo#7169 or on Battlenet Levo#11410 if you have any questions!