Pally LF Raiding Guild - Shadowlands

Currently looking for a Guild to join for Shadowlands Raiding. I took most of BFA off but am looking to get back into the fray.

-I can raid Tue-Wed-Thurs (start time/end time does not matter).
-I am open to changing realms/factions.
-While I would like to main Ret, I am open to tanking.
-I have Monk-DK-Druid-Mage ready for Shadowlands as alts but am open to switching if needed (or if Ret becomes unplayable like in Tomb of Sargares).


Hello I think our raid times could be a possible fit for you and we have spots open for trial for a few classes. We are Allanice on sargeras guild name is No Turning Back Looking for more raiders for both mythic raids and mythic plus. Our webstie is guildsofwow .com/noturningback (no spaces of course) my bnet is Ash#1430 add me or apply if interested. Looking forward to hearing from you.

We can possibly use a Ret and Frost DK is very desireable for us. If you like what you see and can show your previous raiding history. We’d love to hear from you! Thanks!

The Chuds is a newly formed guild on Mal’Ganis - Horde - NA that is Cutting Edge Mythic Raiding focused. This guild was formed on the basis of friends wanting to play with friends, own every tier, and chill out a bit when progression is finished. We are seeking more friends to help us build a stable roster for Shadowlands.

Our roster is fairly tight knit and consists of players with multiple tiers of Cutting Edge experience as well as US Top 50 - 150 experience in BFA and previous expansions. We understand the commitment it takes to achieve our goals of getting CE fairly quickly and not wasting our time. We also understand that if everyone is having fun, everyone will play better and want to show up to play. Excessively toxic attitudes will have a zero tolerance policy, no matter how good a player is. We aim to have a competitive but very positive raiding atmosphere.

Progression Schedule
Tuesday - Thursday 8:00PM - 11:00PM CST - 9 Hr Week

Farm Schedule
Tuesday & Wednesday 8:00PM - 11PM CST - 6 Hr Week

We raid on a fairly light schedule and cut back after progression, so commitment to these raid times is absolutely mandatory. We do understand that real life happens sometimes.


Recruitment Contact:
Joschmo GM/RL - Bnet:Joschmo#1659 or Discord:Joschmo#6420
Dipthiry Officer - Bnet: Dip#11700 or Dip#6249

Hi there! I think you would be a great fit with us – check out our info below and feel free to reach out if you think its a fit!! :slight_smile:

Exalted with Jeeves | Alliance | Stormrage |

RAID TIMES: Tues & Wed - 8:00PM to 10:30PM CST.


12/12 H - Ny’alotha - AOTC

CURRENTLY RECRUITING: DPS + HEALS in preparation for Shadowlands!

Greetings! We are a 5 year old raiding guild from Fizzcrank/Aggramar that moved to Stormrage in 2019. We are an AOTC-focused, non-hardcore guild that believes you can experience raiding/keys in a laid back environment. We take the player, not the class/spec. We enjoy a casual raid atmosphere while still being serious-minded about progression. Pushing Mythic+ keys is also something we love to do and are always looking for more people to run them with. Our guild family also likes to stay connected outside of game. Some of us are on Twitter, stream on Twitch, and do annual BlizzCon meetups.


Our guild is comprised mostly of busy adults who are 25-30+ with lives, families, school, jobs etc. Real-life comes first. Don’t have time to grind/research every min-max thing outside of raid? We feel you. We believe you can still enjoy raiding without the obligation for constant activity outside of raid.


⊁ Patient, friendly players who bring a positive attitude to our laid-back community. We like to have fun and joke around while still being focused on raiding strategy.

⊁ Dedicated players who can commit to long-term raiding and are able to maintain high attendance as much as possible. We understand occasional absences might happen!

⊁ Exceptional players that arrive raid ready with an strong awareness of their class, boss mechanics, and a willingness to improve.

⩁ Gear Requirements: As we have achieved our end goal for the Tier, we are not presently raiding. Gear requirements being less important, we’re interested in connecting with individuals who fit our community and can stick with us for our next adventures!


Awesome! Contact either me (Allix), to learn more. Please feel free to reach out to us, ask any questions you may have, and find out if we would be a good fit for you! OR you can visit our guild website and apply so you can tell us more about yourself!



Aliix (Recruitment Officer):

BNET: Frozen#1269

DISCORD: Aliix#8268

Hi there, if you are interested in playing horde and being on Zuljin US.
Our roster is open. We are a new guild, planning to raid normal/heroic. 8pm-11:15pm EST. (5PM-8:15PM PST)
Our thread if you wanna check us out or chat with us!

Hi there, your requirements look like they’d fit us, so I figured I’d leave our info and if you’re interested, you can hit us up in Discord!

Guild Name: Army of Darkness
Faction: Horde
Gaming Style: PvE (Focus on M+ and Heroic Raiding, no mythic!)
Raiding Days: Tuesday and Thursday
Raiding Times: 8-11 PM Server Time (6-9 PST, 9-12 EST, 2-5 UTC)
Server: Mal’Ganis

About us:
We’re a laid back group of gamers who’ve been around the WoW scene for awhile. We’ve done Mythic in the past but haven’t got the time to invest in that now as we have full time jobs, families, etc. We still want to do the content though and enjoy ourselves, so that means Heroic raiding and Mythic Plus! We dabble in other content as well, such as Arena/BGs, but this is not a primary focus.

If you want to get into a good group that can be laid back and fun, then we’d be glad to have you. Jump in our discord or send me a friend request and we’ll see if you’d be a good fit!

Discord Server code: bPMT7rF
Contact: Aridhol#4421 on Discord

Do you like pie? That is kind of a big deal to us

If you have questions or want to know more here is our link

We can talk ret things if you want.


Hello, would love to chat some more, here’s our info for you.

Divine Minds is a semi hardcore raiding guild located on US Illidan, Horde side. We are recruiting for our core Mythic raiding team.

Raid Days

Tuesday 8PM - 11PM EST
Wednesday 8PM - 11PM EST
Thursday 8PM - 11PM EST

Our priorities for recruitment is the following:

  • Blood Death Knight
  • Tank with DPS off-spec
  • Mistweaver Monk

All exceptional players will be considered regardless of class and spec.

Our goal is to achieve Cutting Edge every tier, while hosting a fun environment.

Outside of raiding, we have a lot of active members who like to push high keys. We have many members with an IO score of over 2000 and many more climbing. If PvP is more your thing we have an RBG team and several multi-glads that love to run arenas.

Apply at h ttps:// (Delete space in between h & t)

or feel free to reach out to one of our officer’s which are posted below.

Guild Master
Zymena - Defusionz#1271

Pickle - Pickle#1469
Nibs - Excedrinz#1237

Hey April!! Come Join us as we build our Guild!! We raid Tuesday and Wednesday!!

[A] Proudmoore - Initiative 11/12M Recruiting for Shadowlands

The guild Initiative on the Proudmoore server is looking to expand for the Shadowlands expansion. Our goal is to create a friendly, non-toxic community where all are welcome with a focus on raiding and obtaining Cutting Edge. We plan to round out our mythic raid roster and eventually expand to have a second raid team. In addition, we have a dedicated night to run M+ dungeons for all guild members.

Our current progression is 11/12 mythic and our raid times are as follows

All times PST / Server Time
Mythic team progression nights - Tuesday and Wednesday from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Heroic / Alt raid night (Optional) - Saturday 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Mythic Dungeon night (Optional) - Monday from 6:30 pm until people are ready for bed.

As we continue to grow, we will be holding guild events such as transmog and achievement runs, PVP events, etc. We also encourage mythic dungeon teams to run on their own schedule.

Currently, we are looking for all players committed to helping us obtain our goals. Feel free to contact me, or our raid lead via bnet, discord or leave us a method to contact you here.

Bnet: Khornell#1551 or Jovins#1628 (Raid Lead)
Discord: Khornell#5023 or Jovins#7120

SMASHER - AREA 52 – Horde
We are a casual, immature, low drama raiding and mythic+ guild!
Looking for like-minded individuals to join our team!

Don’t let all the other guilds fool you into thinking they are a mature, well organized guild that cares about you, when they are literally lying to your face!

We at least let you know up front that we don’t give a $!%+ about you!

We will be pushing keys and normal Castle Nathria and getting into Heroic, ASAP

Do you want to come raid and have a guaranteed spot no matter how bad you suck at the game?

Do you want to get AOTC every raid tier?


Raiding 2 nights a week from 8pm-11pm est

Reach out to anyone listed below and they may get back to you, or not, who knows

BTAG: Spooky#13110

Recruitment Officer:
BTAG: Highchurch#1393

Raid Leader:
BTAG: Sawse#11426

Human Resources Manager:
BTAG: avandor#1464


The following was a paid advertisement by the leadership of SMASHER !

Hey Aprilryan! Are you bored with not dying all the time? Then join Optimal Baddies and find yourself so engrossed in guild chat that you’ll be running off cliffs and pulling 20 mobs at once in no time! Recommended by 4 out of 5 Spirit Healers.

Jokes aside we are a semi hardcore raiding guild that is coming back from the ashes of taking a break and looking to clear heroic and mythic. We are currently looking for more members to fill out our roster (Dps and Healers)

OB are going ham come Shadowlands and will have groups for leveling, and mythics to gear out quick and get ahead fast and efficiently.
We plan to jump right into heroic come its release. If you are interested in a good group of players who have gotten CE in multiple expansions then this guild is for you!

we are located on Lightbringer, Alliance faction.

Raid times are as follows.

Monday - 8PM-10:00PM EST
Tuesday - 8PM-10:00PM EST

If interested please reach out to one of us! or leave a message on this post and we will contact you!

Bnet - Goldfish#1198
Discord - Goldfish#7851

Bnet - Ninjaspace#1577
Discord -ninjaXpope#0788

Hi Aprilryan,

It sounds like you may fit in well with the weekday raid team in our guild. I’d be happy to chat with you about the guild and what you’re looking for. Here is some more info,

Guild: The Bone Zone
Realm: Sargeras [Alliance]

Guild Status:
Semi-Hardcore, Progression Raiding, M+ focused

Raid Schedule: (across two groups, 2 nights per week per group)
Wed 9 PM - 11:30 PM CST
Thu 9 PM - 11:30 PM CST
Fri 8 PM- 11 PM CST
Sat 8 PM- 11 PM CST

Prog this tier: Nyalotha: 12/12H

The Bone Zone was formed at the end of BFA and has completed heroic AoTC (Ny’Alotha) in a VERY short period of time. We are looking to expand our roster to include new and returning players for Shadowlands. We enjoy messing around with each other but during our progression, put on a more focused and serious attitude. We came for fun but we also want to beat down the content and farm our rewards.

Positions available:
Please visit guildsofwow .com/the-bone-zone/recruitment (no space) to view our current focused-recruit open positions. Even though your class & spec is not listed we are willing to trial anyone who is like-minded. Please feel free to message me on Discord or B-net to chat more.

Discord: rymo#6257
B-net: Rymo#1709

Howdy Aprilryan!

I hope this finds you well! You look like you would be a really good fit for us as we could definitely benefit from a ret or a mage.

About us:

We are a newly formed guild on Area 52 comprised of a tight knit core of friends that have been playing together for a number of years. We bring with us a wealth of experience in various areas of the game and strong personalities to match. We have a very laid back attitude, but we all are in it to push the highest levels of content that this game has to offer. Outside of raids we are very active and enjoy pushing high m+ keys as well as doing some pvp on the side. We are looking for like minded individuals who are looking to push through heroic and into mythic raid content on a compressed schedule as we all have lives that we need to live, but are looking to be efficient with our time and have fun!

Raid Schedule:

Tuesday: 9:00 pm - 12:00 am EST

Thursday: 9:00 pm - 12:00 am EST


We’re looking for players who can commit to our raid schedule and who are motivated to participate in progression. We’re not just looking for people who can top the meters. Survivability, situational awareness, competency, and an ability to fit in well with the guild are also key. We also expect everyone to be able to handle constructive criticism as the guild comes before the individual.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me on bnet:


I look forward to hearing from you!

Raid Times: Tue and Thur - 9 to 1130 EST. (3rd raid night Monday first 3-4 weeks while pushing through Content)

One Shot is Never Enough has been around since the end of Legion. Achieving AOTC in each tier of BFA and slowly working to build a strong Mythic team, finishing Eternal Palace at 4/8M. Currently we are 9/12M. You see our improvement each tier over at raider io.

Our goal is to finish building a strong team of Mythic raiders as we head into Shadowlands. That will be the first expansion we have that we start off on the right foot.

We are looking for players who have a strong team mindset and look to improve themselves. Read up on guides and theory crafting, complete at least their weekly 15 key, willing to help others and come with a positive attitude.

Thank you for your time.

If you are wishing to speak with over (GM) Fenadorm#1793