Pally Bubble Dispel

So, I know the immunity is strong and stuff, but how is Paladin not a complete joke in pvp if the defensive cooldown it relies on so heavily can be instantly removed by 2 common classes? I’d really prefer if it was either less heavily relied upon, or less potent and doesn’t just sometimes go away instantly with zero fallbacks. I like the class in general but this just feels so g-d awful. Am I missing something?


Self healing from ret is very strong atm via wog.

You can also LoS shattering throw and interrupt MD. Also stunning either shattering or MD will save your bubble most likely.


having a complete and utter removal from the game with bubble, kinda removes any tension. not to mention shattering throw was in the game before. if you have that bubble it pretty much puts warriors completely at your mercy.

i don’t care what anyone says, having a counter to bubble means you as a paladin have to actually play your class more effectively.


I remember that priests used to be the only ones able to mass dispell it.

Are there other classes that can do that too?

the warriors shattering throw can break the bubble.

Good. great idea

problem most people don’t understand, we had shattering throw at one point. i think putting paladins on their toes is a good thing. no class should have a spell that makes them completely immune for that long. it kinda removes any kind of tension.

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Just kite em. they need to add more stun or root ability for the wariours

blizzard needs to nerf divine shield, make it only last 3-4 sec and reduce the baseline cooldown to 2-2.5min. the ability is whats dragging the class down and unlike how it was in vanilla with the introduction of mass dispell and not the return of shatter throw its a almost completely useless ability. being able to activate it more makes it more defensive, in its current state there is nothing about the abilty that makes the class even be consider a defensive class. monks are not consider defensive like what a paladin is suppose to be and our touch of karma makes divine shield seem like a joke.


A Long cd bubble that shares cd with a physical dmg bop u wanna use on friendlies, a wanna be version of thorns that is basically ignored, and active healing spells, tho all good in pve, are weak forms of sustain and defensives in pvp. Yet non pally players always see them as OP. Id much rather have dmg resistances, especially magic (instead of a long cd bubble), passive leach type healing abilities (active heals are effected by dampening). And mobility or snare & slow resistances (we just have 3 sec steed which can be slowed requiring freedom). All things more well rounded and effective pvp classes have. Thats why when Ret damage is nerfed or just not OP, Rets are bottom tier arena. Bubble has never been a make it or break it ability in anything but maybe 1v1 duels lol

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Pretty much agree with this. BoP should get a similar rework. Both should have 4sec duration with 2/2.5min cd instead. The cooldown are way too long for what they offer for the sheer amount of downsides they have.

Or Change bubble completely into a 90% damage reduction taken for 8sec, remove the immunity, make your next 2 flash of light on yourself heals for 50% of your max health and be immune to interrupts and silence. 2.5min cd.

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Warriors used to have an ability called Shattering Throw in MoP I believe. It was removed and its returned. Its a casted range attack that can break immunities such as Ice block and bubble.

Fantastic to learn

Shattering Throw was taken away in Legion.

I’m glad its back. If anyone should have a way to take bubble away, that one is the warrior.


I don’t dispute warriors reclaiming ST, nor do I think it’s an issue one way or another, but I will say the logic is confusing. The one suited for dispelling a powerful magical barrier is the guy with actually zero magical ability?

Again, great news for warriors, just giggling at the concept. “If I throw this hard enough…”

Well it would be nice if it removed Forbearance if it does get shattered or dispelled, so the paladin isn’t completely screwed.
Then again speaking of Forbearance, is it really necessary anymore.

ST actually breaks any barrier, not only bubble. I see it more as technique and not only a throw. But I get your point. On the other hand, warriors in theory such be melee masters, which they are not - for quite awhile now.

On the other hand, we could throw in that bubble is actually a divine effect, not a magical one (so Dispel shouldn’t work). But that takes the discussion way too far, lol

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