Paladins Hating Mages

I think arcane users like the titans are different than the mortal races. The mortal races are abusing arcane to break order by gaining control over it. They have a bad habit of using it not to enforce order but to get around it. It is powerful enough in relation to them that it is addictive as well and like many addictions it leads the user to seek an even stronger high.

In the same way a daredevil may risk death to seem even more alive due to the rush maybe the arcane user is this tempted by the rush of arcane oppposite.

(Clarification): This isn’t really true though. The mages of Dalaran were not, ‘awash in corruption.’ Aegwynn didn’t like the direction the Council of Six took in her time towards statecraft, as the Council of Six believed they had the ability to prevent the Seven Kingdoms from going to war with one another, and Aegwynn felt that their attempts to prevent war would only end in disaster.

(Commentary): The general mistrust the common people in the Alliance had with Dalaran was based in the things Dalaran wanted to do. Antonidas wanted to rehabilitate the Orcs, find a cure to their lethargy, help them adapt and become a more civilized people who didn’t need to be kept segregated and oppressed in the Internment Camps, but the Alliance’s leaders didn’t want to raise the taxes any more than they already were just to maintain the internment camps. When the plague began, it was the Kirin Tor who advised quarantine, and Terenas who refused because the people would revolt.

(Observation): In retrospect the Kirin Tor is looking pretty damn GOOD by real world standards. They wanted to end the systematic oppression of the Orcs, and when a deadly disease reared it’s head they advocated for quarantine to prevent the spread. I mean, it’s pretty damned topical with modern events when you consider Covid, what’s happening in China, or even with refugees trying to enter the USA right now.

They most certainly wore. As the in game history books tell it. The mages of Dalaran had resorted to summoning Demons to exercise power or to use as servants. They were doing so much summoning that the dimensional barriers were weakening around the city and demons started entering on their own from the Twisiting Nether in Dalaran and the communnities surrounding it.

Some of the inner circle among the High Elves still retained the knowledge of their Night Elf past, in particular the abuses of Azshara and her Highborne. They sent a delegation to warn the Dalaran mages that they had to stop their practises immediately. (How much they told them of the ancient Kal’dorei empire is not disclosed. Whatever they did share did not enter common knowledge.)

The Dalaran mages took the warning to heart… to a point. They weren’t willing to contain themselves so they created a super agent, empowered by the Six to hunt down renegade Demons… and to bury the signs of what was going on. This was the Guardian.

Aegwynn was the last such Guardian appointed by the Six.

(Clarification): I’m sorry, but your recollection is incorrect. The mages of Dalaran never intentionally summoned demons, let alone to use as, ‘servants.’ The use of magic itself is what drew demons to Azeroth, and why the Guardian was needed.


I’m also quoting other material which includes novels I think “The Last Guardian” and possibly the rpg books, but I don’t have either on hand now. but what is generally conceded is that Aegwynn told the Council to go screw itself because she was tired of what they were using the Guardian for.

(Commentary): The Council of Six was getting into Statecraft in an attempt to prevent the human kingdoms from going to war with one another. Aegwynn disagreed believing it would lead to nothing but disaster. It’s important to note, these thoughts that led her to distance herself from the council were influenced by Sargeras.