People keep talking about the things have to make sense, but we lost that train a long time ago, and even run in the oposite direction
wanna see a proof ? just look at the ligh forged warlocks, or Mag nar, or the current state of lore, there are like 5 full expansions filled of nothing but plot holes
It’s already been explained that Forsaken Priests using the light hurts them but they use it anyways. Paladins would be no different.
Void Elf Paladins could easily be justified by the fact that the Devs already gave them High Elf customizations so they can just say Paladin Velves are High Elves.
That’s great and all but at the end of the day doesn’t change the gameplay so really doesn’t matter all that much. Everyone will just headcanon what they think makes sense anyways but if a few lines of quest text make you happy then why not I guess
But what I can very well tell you is the forums lacks dignity. I mean, there are threads asking for a hide pants feature. I would absolutely love to show them a pants-less Gnome or Mechagnome while embarking on a dungeon or raid. The cringe would be so high and LUL worthy.
There is also numerous cases where the forum abuses the flagging system… and I’m not just talking about my position or posts…
Neither of these things should be happening at all, the dead player base is just taking advantage of the fact that the game is dead, and if Blizzard doesn’t listen to you then they will just lose the last 2 million people playing. You don’t need druids or paladins for all. They are not going to handle it properly either, if you think you’re getting different druid forms for every race that’s missing it then I have really bad news for you(this would be unacceptable no matter what too).
When the abominable velf paladins get added I do hope you’re restricted to void looking spells only regardless of skin tone.
Priest works because of shadow spec. Wouldn’t make sense to not let them use a void themed spec because of the other one and would make even less sense to limit them to the one spec. So that one is mostly a gameplay reason.
At this point, considering Blizz’s current writing and design team seem 100% on board with ruining any and all faction/racial/class identity lore-wise, I just want void elf paladins so I can make one of my Horde characters on Alliance - the faction I actually like to play on.
They’ll still be stuck with the god-awful greasy hair until a fabled expansion of void elf customizations/possibly one day sharing base and Allied race customizations between both. But hey, least I could play one of my favorite characters without having to substitute pally for warrior.
Druids will most likely be last due to the massive amount of different forms. Paladin or Shaman will most likely be next, Paladin being more likely then shaman. I’m honestly a bit surprised we haven’t seen anything about that yet, even more surprised nothing was said about it in the roadmap too. Hoping they don’t just stop before pallies, shamans, and druids and call it a day.
They will keep that change for a bit longer, making every race become paladin is very simple, u just need to accept the light and as we witness in the game even demons can become Light bound like that drearlord in Legion, we also could get a scenario where light is forced on to other races and than they break free from its mind control(similar to dk intro) but yeah making anyone or anything into paladin is easy, as for the question of why its not coming out yet, best answers are probably lazyness, waiting for new race that jumpstarts that lore or they just want to do it when wow is popular enough so many people pay sweet money for race change.
I do like that idea. The (very undefined) one in my mind was something akin to WoD Blackrocks, with almost a reverence for industry and their take on the Light being a reimagining of fire. Even better if they could get reskinned spells to match it, but that’s a pipe dream.
I can’t help but feel that not enough people find Lothraxion creepy, especially since he appears in the same patch as the whole Xe’ra/Illidan cutscene. I wouldn’t use him as a paragon of an example that anyone can/should turn to the Light.
Well whatever the case with him is, he is infused with Light atm, he might be a double agent, but it just goes to show you anyone can wield light powers as long as they acknowlage them, another example is Calia Menethil who is undead made by Light, all im saying is pretty much is if u take a rabbit and force light onto him he can probably become light creature of some sort, hence any race in wow has a ground to be paladin.