Paladins aren't better than warriors, a thread!

Pedantic correction but the Turalyon/Alleria audio drama thingie portrayed him being Lightforged many years after meeting X’era. He spent a while as a normal human in the Army of the Light.

But at any rate I doubt it matters how grey you are if you’re Lightforged.

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From what I recall it was practically immediately upon meeting her that he was Lightforged. It was Alleria who had to train and wait to be Lightforged because she had little experience with the Light.

[Edit]: Took a while, but I found what you’re talking about. Part 2, about 10 minutes in, it’s said that about 40 years passed. Thing is, he looks nowhere near old enough for that. I can only imagine that part of being Lightforged is being put into one’s prime.

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Maybe he could’ve been totally de-aged but asked to keep the grey hair so he’d look distinguished

I really don’t see how stress couldn’t play a role. Either way, I stand by my earlier statement. It’s my opinion that he out-classes Liadrin, or just about any other living Paladin, by a massive amount.

It seems to be standard fare that WarCraft 2 heroes simply age in reverse, all things considered. Alleria at least has the excuse she’s an elf but Turyalon, Khadgar, and Trollbane are all spry and vibrant for the veterans of a war that happened onwards of forty years ago now.

At least Greymane has the decency to LOOK old and wrinkled, even if he’s a super buff Grandpa Wolf.


i also would like to sit down and put down another theory of warrior power here.

why do you hear the “iron will” “strong will” thing thrown around a lot when talking about famous warriors? well, what if willpower in itself is able to become magical? just shower thoughts.


Paladins: Righteous fighters who can use magic.

Warriors: Regular fighters who can slap people so hard they forget what magic is for a few seconds.



warriors as Green lanterns confirmed

Interestingly, this is my favorite post on this thread.

Paladins are failed warriors who needed a crutch.

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As a character who is a warrior, and was a paladin. (Blood knight)

There’s certainly something to say about training time.

A warrior wakes up and spends all day training her strikes to be perfect instinctual and ingrained into every measure of muscle memory.

A paladin wakes up, studies prayer, the tennets of the light (or how to command it) all while they have to live and embody those tenets, (helping an orphanage, healing the sick citizen etc) only then does the paladin get time to practice his strikes.

This is the major difference in the martial skill between the two.

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to be fair Turalyon is lightforged, and was living in a place where time didin’t function properly, he’s apparently like over 1000 years old.

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There is also the fact that Light is the Life, and vice-versa, the Lightforged and Lightbound could have vastly extended lifespans so long as they can keep channeling the Light within their bodies.

It also explains so much of the old people naruto running across Azeroth, with magical healing over a long period of time, with the right kind of healing and recovery periods as well, effectively de-aging the body if not restoring or maintaining the appearance of youth.

You forgot a key point: warrior is boring and paladin has glitter.

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I have plenty of glitter as a void elf thank you very much

It’s debatable really, personally I think magic is an aspect that would enable any class to push forward ahead of others given certain situations.

Like I could say that the paladins are definitely and unquestionably the best in what they specialize in, but at the same time I could say that they lack the versatility of warrior that hasn’t focused so much of their life into the teachings of the light.

So it’s really hard to say which is better or whatever, since it all depends on the situation. Some will equal the paladin winning out and some will equal the warrior coming out on top.

Sir Raymond George trumps out both and is arguably the strongest Paladin in the game. Check it out, yo.

Paladins are better.

Better at judging you for heresy.

You ever seen a legendary warrior in an undying frenzy on the field of battle, cleaving his foes down in a bloody flurry of blades and bashes? Paladins don’t like getting blood on their tabards, warriors BATHE in it.

Warriors have many, MANY diseases.