Paladins are funny

It’s so funny to me seeing the ally cry how 'a geared shaman cant die yet on my paladin I can kill warlords with blue gear LOL. paladins have 2 FU buttons and insta full heal 2 stuns and a gap closer. You paladins have got to be kidding me with the “nerf X class” like are you insane? I rolled a paladin just to see if its not really that broken and… IT SO IS!!! HAHA. OEB and blue dungeon gear killing warlords get better at the game and stop asking for nerfs to other classes when your whole kit is step up to be immune to everything while 3 shotting other classes. Very cute ally very cute.


post your clips


I leveled a fresh 60 shaman on SOD and solo’ed Rag on H3 in green gear.


Clips plz. Would love to see that.

U obviously just play meta and have low skill

You do not play paladin and it shows…

Shamans are losing their last brain cell.

Imagine saying that paladin can kill a warlord in blues while bubbled. Before nerf it was imposible, now that bubble is nerfed is imposible x3.

Your low IQ can’t understand that paladin needs 6 + 2 tier pieces for start doing something in pvp.

I don’t SEE any blue tier piece in atlas.

Try harder gasLighting your shaman, !0zer.

You assume they had any to begin with? HA.

A ret paladin swing does 400-600 damage.
A flame shock from a shaman does 800-1k, and it spreads.

A ret paladin heals for 275ish HP per FoL
A shaman heals 335ish HP per Riptide.

A shaman can have up to 7-9k HP in open world or BG.
A paladin has at BEST 6k HP.

Shamans are spoiled brats and Blizz ignoring it is pretty bias.