Paladins are amazing!!

May it be a random topic,

I just felt the need to express myself that, although despite of BFA’s madness, players biases upon classes (as also biggest discouraging behaviour that’s otherwise pessimistic) I cannot further state that I am more than happier to play such an amazing class; Ret turned out to be my favourite out of both specs.

I am still working towards Holy since I’d like to dual both specs for dps & heals.

Overall, I am finally putting my main on a break and carry on with my pally!
Overall I find paladín quite boring
Are you doing pve or pvp? though I think it may have to do with me playing the class for so long but I am started to get bored of my paladin.
10/27/2018 03:44 PMPosted by Andrin
Are you doing pve or pvp? though I think it may have to do with me playing the class for so long but I am started to get bored of my paladin.

Indeed. I have rogue, Mage, Warlock, this priest and hunter and paladin is the most boring
Despite it being my only character until recently, I do love being a Paladin. Maybe it's because I've memorised all the cool-downs so playing anything else is just quite unsettling for me. Creature of habit.
Paladin is lotsz of fun, not a lot of burst damage..but really hard to kill.
I was a human Paladin in vanilla, and have been a Tauren Paladin as my main since Cata. Leveling this toon as straight prot was a lot of fun and dude...

Orbital strike.
10/29/2018 09:38 PMPosted by Hesselhoff
I was a human Paladin in vanilla, and have been a Tauren Paladin as my main since Cata. Leveling this toon as straight prot was a lot of fun and dude...

Orbital strike.

I completely agree, fellow brother in arms! I too was a human Paladin in Vanilla and all the way up to ToS in Legion. I took nearly an 8 month break from the game after N KJ gave me a thorough spanking. I went Bear tank, B DK, BrM, and V DH (V DH being the most fun, B DK being the easiest, and BrM being the most unstoppable. I went V DH into BfA and regretted it. It was too squishy for my taste despite the mobility allowing me to avoid 90% of mechanics (I might have survived, but the dps and healer got themselves killed too often). I needed a class that had the kit to help others if needed. Prot Pally seems to fit that bill moreso. Having unlocked LFD back in Legion, I made this toon and haven't had any regrets!