Paladins are 1000% Broken lol, what is the dev team smoking?

hell broke loose a long time ago for bias of paladins in SOD

but this Avenger set bonus? seriously? we came from 1 shot to kill, now it’s a half shot to kill

How about give warriors the buff they need

a 50% increase in bloodthirst damage for a set bonus

Fury warriors badly need buffing, especially dual wield rune needs a 50% mainhand weapon damage increase to keep up with 2handers in pvp. As burst damage relies on overpower, slam and instant swing rune which are purely main hand weapon damage based


Just re roll to paladin You’re crying day and Night dude.

You don’t Even know what is “one shotting” and needs 6 pieces from core forged.

What a crybaby

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ok buddy keep simping on your paladin main then, and posting on a warrior alt

Still need 6 + 2 draconic.

Seems like You’re not very Smart.

haha no, didn’t you see that they nerfed Divine Shield? That was the problem right?

Everyone said it was bubble that was the problem. So now Ret is bad right? Because they changed bubble after Horde cried about it for four phases.



This, now the “problem” is the “one shot”.

When shaman was god mode for 3 phases they all said that shaman was “balanced” and they are still OP with nerfs.

Sod is not going back to Warriors dominance as devs said, go back to fresh era if You wanna be in the top.

the bubble nerf is a very small part of a big issue

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Just get gud. Re roll a paladin and face shamans.

Then, we can talk.

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whaaaaat? but that can’t be. there’s been a MILLION threads about how OVERPOWERED bubble is for the past 4 phases of SOD. You mean to tell me bubble WASNT the great evil horde players sold it as all along?!

You mean to tell me that there’s more nuance to the situation that Horde players chose to ignore?

It’s almost like maybe, back in Phase 2-3, Horde/Shaman players were so defensive and butthurt about how imbalanced the game was and how powerful Shamans were that they had to find something to cry about and they chose Paladin bubble.

It’s almost like when Paladins actually finally became OP in Phase 4-5, Horde couldn’t acknowledge the problem with Paladin PvE Set bonuses because then they’d have to acknowledge how disengenous they’d been in Phase 2-3 about bubble being ‘le great evil’.

But naaaah, that couldn’t be it, right? Horde couldn’t possibly be THAT pathetic.


also the nerf is a standard bubble, so it just went back to retail lol

that is still a very small part of a big issue

Yo mouth breather. First make a paladin and go pvp than come back here a tell us if this set bonus is op or not.


whatchu pallies smoking

its OP even if the paladin is naked

1 hiting players doesnt mean they’re bad lol you always make excuses for your class which is broken


the only issue ive had with pallies is not their ability to 2 global (can be countered rather well by purge/dispel spam) but it was their ability to do this while immune to nearly everything in the game.

their main damage is counterable by shaman and priests .

the set thing will go away eventually or be showing its age mid phase 6 anyways.

now if they somehow port over those bonuses to the future it might be a problem but for now just purge/dispel spam every pally / mage you see as a matter of principal and be done with it.

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I see plenty of capable well playing 2h warriors in bgs and open world PvP that hold their own in a fight. Keep practicing

Dual wield fury has never been a strong PvP spec. Sure it can work but it’s not gonna be nearly as consistent as 2h.


Ret dmg needs reduced a bit. Rets are very good in group oriented content atm (stv/AB). On the other hand if their dmg is touched a bit too much they will become completely worthless so /shrug

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a bit wouldn’t change getting 1 shot

STUN CD is 1 minute, while insignia is 5minutes

a lot of these paladins will say why didn’t you use insignia, as if the game play is supposed to rely on only the insignia

paladins were never meant to do damage worth 100% HP to 0% HP in 4 seconds

It’s only in SOD

like enhance shaman?

ya i dont agree the damage needs nerfed as it can be nearly fully countered with purge/dispel spam and they can no longer 2 global you while bubbled so theres time to kite if possible.

get the new 2 min cooldown pvp trinket from bloodmoon for 5 silver coins and thank me later.

Yeah there’s counterplay and it’s really all paladins bring to table (dispellable stun is not great sry!).
I agree eng shaman is in a bad spot and has been for quite awhile. Dunno what they should do to fix it really.

If warriors did more dmg they would be a godly class compared to pally. Hook is insane and they provide fantastic buffs. Also mortal strike is incredible.

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actually 2min cd won’t change the game play against the broken class

even if let’s say insignia was 1 minute cd to match the stun CD

paladin doesn’t need to stun to do 1 shot lol you can’t deny paladins are broken

make them dangerous if they get to you again.

its not a 1 shot as its several abilities all at around the same time thus the 2 global moniker .

they are counterable with shaman/priests purge/dispel spamming on them.

the alternative is to nerf them in pve and pvp both and make them feel very bad to play.

i am not for doing that to anyone.