Paladin vs Warrior

Hello everybody. I am very stuck between which class to play next. Both pally and warrior are tied for my second favorite class and I can’t decide which one i want the most. Im not big in healing due to the pressure it puts me under, so i dont think id ever play as a holy pally but im not sure. I do like tanking as an offspec for quick dungeon queues, but mostly I am a DPS player.

I like Pally because of the amount of utility and survivablity it has, downside is the class moves and attacks like a semitruck. With warrior, i love the speed of the attacks and mobility. From what i remember however, they die super easily to magic and dont have much healing. Havent played as a war/pal since Legion.

What do you guys think? Which one tends to perform better than the other; especially for next patch? Im primarily a PVP player that occasionally does PVE (dungeons). I dont raid at all.

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Paladin is currently significantly better.

Edit: I thought this question was about which class is a better tank. Whoops!

Don’t listen to that Hunter. Warrior is much better in PvP atm. Since you’re mainly a DPS player, go with that.

Fury, even with the nerfs going in today is super good. Arms is still good as well, fury is just so beyond insane that people don’t really play it as much right now

Yea, for DPS you want warrior. I’ve been in groups with some really good Ret Paladins however. Not sure how far behind they are on paper, but you can absolutely do 99% of content comfortably with ret as well. Personally I like warrior playstyle better. Tank and DPS.

if you wanna tank just go pally they always seem to get more love than prot warrior not saying prot warrior don’t get none but they get screwed at times. ret’s okay if your good at it some people can’t seem to play it well while others shine.

Fury is more fun then ret

Source my experience

Fury has self heals tied to a defensive with relatively short cd and spell reflect works against a lot of things

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If you are going to heal/tank then Paladin is better. Warrior is better for PvE dps and PvP.

if you aren’t interested in healing at all then there’s zero reason to go pally

warrior gives you two options for DPS and an option for tanking too
currently fury is absolutely insane in pvp

How’s survivability on Warriors? I know that Fury has Victory Rush and Bloodthirst I believe so they have some alright healing. But what about Arms or Prot? I’ve also heard how squishy they are to magic, and I’m not entirely sure how true that is since I haven’t played one in a couple years.

And also if Prot Warrior is a “viable” tank for content. Currently have a druid that does almost everything, and the tanking on that does pretty well.

I play with a vers stacked fury warrior. That person is one of the most talented warriors I’ve ever had the honor of playing with. His character is stupidly hard to kill. It’s ridiculous how tough he is. He’s comically tough. Not sure paladins can boast that level of stupidly hard to kill.

Paladins are better and easier to play tanks. Warriors are way better at DPSing.

Honestly, I feel this is more true for Arms than Fury. But because you are leaning more towards PvP I can see why you’d prefer Arms as they tend to be the favorable spec.

As for being compared to Paladin, In my opinion Paladin (which I havent played since MoP so I could be wrong) was very slow compared to Warrior. But of course, you get a ton of self healing.

Personally, I’d recommend the warrior. It’s just more fun to me.

paladins have better utility bubble,lay on hands,bop and they got wings and a necro lord papadin has another shield and extra dps.the paladins aoe rotation is divine storm thats it easy.

i say paladin warriors need \healers to be fun in pvp.

For enjoyment I would choose fury. Arms is a little too slow for my liking. Use to be my go to for PvP but that is pre-2012.

Where as arms is rage starved at times fury has loads of rage to burn and they are fast while arms feels slow. So slow I can watch auto attacks while my skills are on CD. Retribution Pally is probably an in between of both arms and fury. Not as fast as fury but not as slow as arms. But this could’ve all changed over the past year or so I’ve been gone.

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I honestly prefer Paladin primarily for the multi-utility and the class theme. But Fury warrior is DEFINITELY super fun and enjoyable to play.

Fury is OP in PvP at the moment, even with the nerfs, but it’s also one of the most braindead specs in the game. Ret is also still super strong but still behind fury, Arms is the most fun War spec (imo) but it’s behind both.

Druid is always the right answer.

Wait, what?

Warrior vs Paladin?


As I said, Druid.

That said, I love both my human arms warrior and my draenei ret paladin but if Blizzard came down from on high and said I could only play one, I would have to go with…

My druid!

Really though, pick what you find most fun. Find them equally fun, go with your fave class fantasy. Still equal, figure out the race and go with the one that fits it the best. Still equal, go with a druid!

Just my nine cents!

Wells! As a warriah myself I can tells ya the pros an’ cons of boths Paladins and Warriahs!


  • Theys can heals us Warriahs

  • They’re awfully shiny, including the non-Draenei ones

  • They give buffs out to folks, except that there Wisdom ones, that one is worthless


  • Awfully judgmental, in fact they’re judgin’ someone or something every couple seconds

  • Need to use a horse to go fast

  • Are awfully quiet

  • Can holds, max, one big weapons

  • Needs things like heckin’ shields to reduce damage

  • Can’t evens spin to inflict damages


  • Really loud, loud enoughs to give buffs to allies

  • Don’t need a horse to go fast

  • Punches spellcasters in the face to silence 'em

  • Cans reflect magic otherwise (Very funny with Hammer of Justice or Polymorph)

  • Can holds one (or two) big weapons

  • Cans reduce damage through pure angah and sheer wills alone

  • Are natural dancahs and can spin to obliterate foes

  • Cans be shiny if we wants to be

  • Can pop bubbles really wells


  • Can’t holds a third big weapon (yet)

Sos, as ya can see from this ultra scientifics breakdown, Warriah is awfully superior to Paladins. Alls ya need to do is grab an axe, jump on into the frays and do your things!

Hopin’ this helped make your decisions.


Personally i’d pick off of the type of pvp you primarily do

Unrated bgs- paladin
Arenas- warrior

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I’ve been a druid main for years and love everything about the class. Its the perfect class that can do pretty much anything effectively from my experience. With my lack of healing experience, Restro has been the easiest healer as well I’ve attempted with.

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