Paladin Transmog Temple of Ahn'Qiraj 10.0.7

I need help getting the bracers from Viscidus.

I have a level 60 paly ret spec trying to get it, and no matter what I try, I only get him to " starts to crack"

I have read all the previous guides. Sadly those guides are for previous content.

Here is what I have:

ilevel with trinkets to help 181.31
one-hand hatchet with speed 2.60 with elemental force enchant
Trinkets: Crate of Kidnapped puppies and Terracota Fragment

And speed potion.

Even have tried the moment it freezes switch to a weapon with galeforce striking enchant. and still, no go…

Any recommendations for this or is anyone willing to party just to get that transmog.

Buy Brunnhildar Harpoon and pray. But mostly lots of prayers.

Buy one of her weapons and be ready to unleash all the ability spam you can.

I tried, buying it, but because I level up this toon since Shadowlands, I don’t have the quest series to go in and buy it. I was counted as an enemy of the Brunnhildar Town.

But thank you

Bracers… You are farming… bracers…?

Reroll a frost DK, use that to farm [laughs for several minutes] the bracers for your “transmog”.

I tried, but couldn’t

And @Voltaire, they are Paly locked bracers, they are not counted as world drop sadly

This is the key to your victory.

When he freezes use this trinket to summon a small army and each attack will count as a hit.

Is it dumb that we need a specific trinket to do this? Yes, it is, but this has been an issue for a long time. I even made a topic on it a long time ago when I was still an MVP suggesting that Blizzard change this to make it more solo friendly like they did with the first boss in BWL but that was in 2018 and nothing has happened yet :T

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He needs ice damage to break. I had this problem on my pally as well. I was wacking away at him for a long time until a friend told me the secret. Get any friend of yours who has a mage or a shaman and they can one shot it with the frost damage.

He only needs Ice Damage to freeze, after that the boss needs 20 physical attacks to shatter before the freeze phase ends.


Yea I think they kinda copied the slime boss fight from Gauntlet Legends where you need the ice lance in order to beat him most effectively.

I tried with the terracotta and the crate of puppies, seems I can get the 20 hits on time after freezing it, seems I will have to get the freezing spear and then add gale force to it