Paladin Tier Set Appearance

What do you guys honestly think?

I like the color palette. It should be easy enough to combine some of these pieces with other pieces in game to make a decent looking set. The helmet and shoulder swords design together is a weird one, but I’m sure there are some people that will like that aesthetic.

I think it’s the ugliest set of the bunch. :confused:


to the artist, honestly this looks weak. the last normal tier version have better coherent design.

the helmet or pauldrons looks out of place ^.


Looks like a chess piece. I think the chest and shoulders have some potential with the right tabard but it does not give me joy.

DKs are the tier set winners in the patch and it isn’t even close.


The helm really stinks it up. The rest is average I’d say. But it’s a lot better than whatever the hell warriors are getting LMAO

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I was keeping an open mind till the tints released and was thouroughly let down. The only one that looks good is the silver imo. I think it looks awful in purple, green, orange.

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I really like the pieces of the tier set. I think many of those pieces will make for good transmogs, but I don’t like the complete set. Just doesn’t work for me. The chest is cool because it has that lower faceguard, the shoulders are ok, the gloves, boot and belt have nice textures and a good variety of colors to mix and match into custom mog sets.

The helmet could be ok, but as usual with paladins it’s ruined by a crown/wing motif. I wish they did that less.

Looks mediocre.
Shoulders are awkward, they remind me of clipping elf brows.
The helm is the top of a chess piece.

The rest of the set looks generic.
As others said, it’ll only be handy to complete other original transmog.

It looks so bad and that makes my Pally so sad. When are we going to get a tier worthy of actually showing-off? And whats with the Burger King Crown? arghhh!!!

All the new tier as gotten to Bulky looking. Looking to buy HD version of Judgement.

I hate my Druid Set too. it’s awful. The outdoor set looks better then the tier for them.

I’m not really a fan of the color schemes. Some are just odd combinations, at least for Paladins. And then there’s those few sets that for some reason have an extra patch of color that stands out and kinda messes with the aesthetic, like the green tint on the LFR version or the orange sword tips on the mythic.

I’m okay with the armor itself. It’s not the worst. Not the best, but it’s servicable.

All i can think when i see that set is a dev smoked a doobie and started craving burger king.

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The elite PvP set with the red and gold motif will work well for a blood elf/blood knight transmog and I’m excited to try stuff out with it. But that helmet. What the hell is that helmet. What was the thought process

I actually love the helmet, lol. It’s the chest piece that feels a bit off and the coloring of the Heroic and LFR tiers could be better. This set would have been much better if we got that open robe look imo.



its ok for the most part, hate the helm though.

Only the top PVP set colors make it look good, the rest look the same as the outdoor sets.

And i don’t PVP… so i don’t really care.
I’ll probably use some pieces from it.

P.S. Helm looks like a geek’s fancy trashcan.

Remove the daggers from the shoulders and there’s no difference with a world set.

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Right… they are the size of daggers. I know they’re supposed to be “miniature” swords… but they look like daggers as opposed to the more usual miniature hammers or shields even.

They just look stupid on the paladin set because it’s like having daggers, which make no sense for us.


The trench coat looks awesome with the set.


Again with the giant neck guard thing, so many chest pieces this expansion have had that thing, personally I don’t like it and don’t know why Blizz uses it on so many chest pieces.