Purging buffs costs mana. You also don’t get to pick & choose what’s purged off you. Have people buff you up and waste the opponent’s mana.
Purging buffs costs mana. You also don’t get to pick & choose what’s purged off you. Have people buff you up and waste the opponent’s mana.
Lal you are slowly understanding why ret paladin sux. That’s only one of the reasons. Here is the list:
1- Weakness against dispell. This will only get worse in p2 where priest n shaman can dispell 2 effects with 1 click
2- Weakness against mana burn. 1 cat of mana burn from priest n you turn into a potato.
3- No gap closer. No charge, shadowstrile, wolf form, sprint n etc
4- No slow effect, no hamstring, crippling, frost shock n etc
Ret pally is so strong in PvP if the enemy target agrees to not to move or dispell or mana burn.
History repeats its self, Paladins are baxk to being auto swing bots.
Lol you want to make a class that’s already uniquely powerful and frustrating to fight even more so? No thanks. While I definitely wouldn’t say paladins are “OP” they are very strong especially at the current level in SOD. They’re a unique Ally only class that has long been a tidechanger in battles. They already get the ability to bubble and heal out of danger, insta-heal with LOH, stunlock and crush clothies before they can get out of it, and frontline brawl with the best of them - and you want to make them stronger? Come off it.
How about Paladins get undispellable seals but you lose your “nyeh nyeh can’t touch me” bubble and get a bubble that eats a fixed amount of damage like everyone else. Or you lose your ranged/melee stuns that have no counter. Or you lose the ability to heal while bubbled. Or you lose the ability to LOH yourself.
I was waiting to see one of these posts. It’s funny, because all people ever complained about on the horde side wsg was how OP paladins were. Shamans/priests can counter paladins, and that is a good thing. Paladins are still amazingly strong when played well, and in a good group. One has to remember this is a team based game.
But, I do get a kick out of countering said paladins
Edit: don’t forget paladins can outplay this mechanic. I know it was mentioned before that you could use rank 1 seals. And, if fully raid buffed, people will go oom just trying to get your seal off. Paladins are not without power/control in this situation
Always been this way. Priests and Shamans are a hard counter to Paladin because of this. Its rock paper scissors in Classic.
Only 2 classses can dispel. It certainly is a powerful ability and players that spam the hell out of it are annoying. But it is apart of the game
I think offensive dispels should be on a CD or have its mana massively increased.