Paladin PvP Ret v Prot 11.0.5

I read a statement recently (unfortunately, I can’t find it… should’ve responded to it immediately rather than some days later…) which I’ll paraphrase,

“Ret is tankier, and has better Defensives than Prot”

I believe the context was PvP. (I mainly read with regard to PvP…)

I’ve mained Prot Paladin since 2009. Tried Ret awhile, many moons ago (Cata or MoP) but never really cared for it. But if it truly has better defensives (on top of the obviously better dps…), I’m willing to try again. I want to be as effective on the BG as I can be, without changing Classes…


Fake. Ret is not top half tankiest dps let alone more durable than a tank

Prot pala sucks in pvp yes, and they take serious damage compared to other tanks but a tank is a tank. No ret is not more durable than prot in pvp

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Thanks for the input. Like I said, I read that (somewhere in a recent thread/comment) and should’ve addressed it right then… The gist of it stuck in my mind, though, so I had to ask :man_shrugging:t2:

tank specs takes more damage in pvp compared to healers, keep that in mind, prot was a big paper tank before the patch, atm there are so many bugs and exploits that i avoid pvp as plague until the developpers fix the chaos they created so it makes hard to see if the changes to the trees will adress the survivability of both specs

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Prot has a miriad of walls even with the extra damage taken, prot is considerably tankier than ret. Its a tank lel

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tank specs takes nearly 40% increased dmg in pvp

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Thanks, y’all.

Believe me, I know about the extra damage taken, which is exactly why I’m asking the question, lmao… I love being a Battleground Tank. But if someone supposedly in the know implies that currently, Ret is tankier, and has “more defensives,” much to my chagrin, I didn’t ask right then and there :black_heart:

It’s 25%

To the op I’ve been playing Lightsmith prot in PvP and it’s been so fun. Damage is actually really good especially random divine guidance 3 mill + crits.
The healing and survivability has increased substantially since the patch dropped.

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Right on. I’ve been playing Templar which has been fun. Haven’t tried Lightsmith yet. When I read thru the abilities in both, Templar just seems more ‘me’ but I may need to step outside myself :rofl:

I’d really like to find an up-to-date comparison of the two…

I dont want to open a new thread and I wanted to ask:

What is Prot’s place in BG PvP? I imagine node camper/protector?

What about flag maps? I dont see prot running flags, although maybe I just need to gitgud

Thanks :sunny:

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So are cloth wearers here


All tankuer

Depending on team comp, individual skill, gearing, etc., Prot can do anything and everything. FC, protect FC, attack EFC, hold Orbs, attack Orb holders, teamfights, Tank Epic BG bosses, guard nodes, mine carts, and so forth.

Some players will try to confine you to certain tasks, but the reality is, we can do all of that. Take stock of your team comp in every BG lobby… If there’s a spec there that’s better for FC, communicate about it and figure out what you’re going to do instead. Just be aware that it still may fall to you to FC. I’ve been in BGBs with MWs and Pres Evokers who got locked down and someone had to grab the flag so it might as well be me :wink:

Some will try to tell you that Tanks don’t belong in PvP at all. Don’t believe them! Ask Abombshield-grobbulus (possibly the most vocal PvP Tank advocate in the forums) if Tanks belong in PvP…


Agree. They are tankier than ret.

Tanks indeed dont belong in ARENA. Their place should be bgs.

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To quote The Dude, “Yeah, well, you know, that’s just like, uh, your opinion, man” :wink:

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They dont. Reason why they have been slowly but surely purged from arena. So long as I dont see ever see them im fine with it. Tanks breed toxic gameplay in arena.

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Again, this is your opinion.

Don’t get me wrong, I do get why some would say that, and I’m not really here to argue that point. My main interest is in Battlegrounds.

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It’s funny because you’re both right. Thumbs up for everyone!

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