Paladin Problems that could use some work. : )

Just to start I want someone to double check my reading, these are the exact same, correct?

These are from the Undermine(d) Dev notes from the 19th and then the 20th. Does anyone know exactly what is happening the Divine Hammer that is different from Live?

That out of the way, I’m very glad Divine Hammer is getting attention. I worry that this iteration is still too like the Shake the Heavens mini game of “keep using holy power abilities so a buff/ability doesn’t fall off | know when the fight is ending so you don’t over commit resources to keep the ability going”

  • Is it Dev intention to have both of these be similar play styles so Rets playing Templar can juggle both? (even though much of the same abilities trigger/sustain both)

Final opinion (so feel free to disregard)

Divine Hammers is currently very under utilized as the numbers tuning of it was lack luster this season. Getting people to “enjoy” it this season may require more than a numbers buff - It may need a new paint job or a new tacked on complexity mechanic to feel fresh. (E.g. Divine Hammers dmg increases by X% the longer it lasts; when Divine Hammers wears off it refunds some CD for Wings/Bubble/Insert fun ability here; Etc. etc.)

Completely off topic part
If the “healing Hands” talent needs to lose the Team heal utility, can it get a name change? Currently the only ‘healing hands’ are when the Paladin is healing themselves. My mind image is all my teammates looking on in disgust as the paladin rubs themselves up and down in the middle of a fight.

No wonder none of the team wants to get a WoG, that guy is creepy.

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