Paladin or Warlock for fresh?

Planning on playing fresh with some friends who are rolling Warrior and Mage on PvE. My goal is to do end game raids since I never raided in classic/vanilla. Probably also do some BGs and such also. And of course, progress to TBC.

I like what both classes bring. Pally being a support oriented class that I can use to tank/heal for my friends while leveling. Lock having good utility and also a Tank pet. Both obviously get the free mounts. Raiding seems like they are both pretty meh from what I have heard. Locks spamming SB and Pally being a heal/buff bot. But I’m not really opposed to either of those things.

I am 100% planning on playing paladin in TBC when the server progresses to it, so I’d be leveling one eventually anyway at some point. But I can also level lock now and the pally later when I get some twink gear.

Just wondering what opinions would be on the choice, been mulling over it ever since the announcement last week and I can not for the life of me decide which one I want to play as.

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Those are two very different choices lol.

Lock is fun because you get free gear and everyone wants you in their raid to summon them because they are lazy.

If you don’t mind summoning it’s great.

You also get free tier gear on Lock because the competition is very low. Usually 1 or 2 locks per raid.

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Never paladin, always warlock

Not going to be the case, the debuff limit is being removed. You can fully DoT things up

You can’t really tank as a paladin in classic. You are just a healer really.

I would only tank for dungeons while leveling. I heard they are good for dungeon tanking still?

shadow bolt will still be the meta i guarantee you. at best if there’s a lot of warlocks you can curse of doom now.

They are not good for any tanking since they don’t have taunt.

I would never forgive myself if I took part in the creation of a new paladin. So, warlock.