Paladin or priest?

I’m wanting to lvl up doing bg as healer and sometimes dps depending on the mood I’m in. What class would be better, priest or paladin?

Do you want to be primarily a ranged caster healer who wields a staff and wears cloth robes? Choose Priest

Would you prefer to wear heavy plate armor, wield a shield and one-handed weapon, and primarily heal in melee range? Go Paladin

Both are fun, and each has excellent utility.


Priest, the tmogs and spells just look so much better imo.

Holy pally got nerfed super bad. Couldn’t make it through a battleground with being powered down and they are generally hated by a certain developer. I leveled a Discipline priest, his damage stinks but he has good recovery heals and is generally left alone. The only positive for holy paladin is that one spell that completely recharges health, which is good for emergencies, but the AOE heals are small and slow.

Spec that needs love -Disc priest DPS!

Aside from the two I listen any other classes that have a good healing spec and dps spec. I like both ranged and melee so it don’t matter what one I end up in

I’m biased, but I love my disc priest. And as a healer, you’ll have 2 specs to try and see which you prefer.
Didn’t realise pally got nerfed, so no idea how strong it is now. But Disc is still a solid option for M+.
Haven’t played holy much since SL though.

Undead priest

Priest. Pally healing sucks.


Priest, more healing options. Can be devastating as DPS in BGs too plus you can hide back with the main group.

I was going to be human but what race is best for priest

Night Elf is BiS followed by Human

They would offer void elf as the best priest race. :microscope::robot:

…although I do like mechagnome as it does have a healing and buff abilities as well as being a forge or campfire for a profession alt. Sometimes the clone ability can taunt hostile pets. :robot::thought_balloon:

Which dev hates holy paladins? Do you have sauce?

Answer is Mistweaver.