On the one hand, amazing lore, cool mogs, and wielding the friggin light like a bat. On the other hand, PORTALS, cool mogs, and I’ve played a lock since mop so I’m used to cloth. It’s a pretty even split to me and I only have time to play either pal or mage on my alliance.
Well if your going to be a human male, paladin is the only choice.
in this expansion I’m having a huge success with Pally because it can melt faces without too much caution, maybe its just me but I find my mage ghost walking a lot more due to my inability to properly kite and being a lot more squishy. I do love the power of a Mage once you get some Ilvl tho
Personally I’ve always loved being a Mage. For a main it’s wonderful. Portals/Teleports make traveling the world a breeze. Slow Fall and Blink make traveling around maps without Flight a bit more bearable.
Since you’ve played a Warlock, you’ll already have plenty of Cloth Options open to you for transmog, whereas if you don’t have any plate classes, you’ll be working your way up from scrub-tier appearances if you start a Paladin.
Still, Paladins are pretty great too. There’s something to be said for being able to heal yourself.
If you like having shorter queue times and like to mix up your gameplay by being tank and heals… I’d say go pally. They allow more flexibility with groups depending on if you’re willing to try out multiple roles in a dungeon/raid/battleground/arena.
Paladin you can 1v1 anyone and win.
I feel like the above is all true - a paladin does well 1v1 and is really tanky in terms of soloing things. They also have great mogs and are somewhat flashy.
That being said, I asked myself the same question recently: paladin vs mage. And decided on mage. I love the perks that come with mage but also in terms of game play, it’s much more interactive, flashy, and mobile. Paladin was a close second, mind you, but I found myself looking at mages who were leveling next to me and thinking, “Damn… I wish I was that class.”
I did enjoy rolling into a huge group as a paladin and taking all the mobs with me and not dying. But the actual gameplay of killing them down was underwhelming. I’d rather be more squishy and have to think ahead of my moves/character placement and have a more enjoyable gameplay experience.
If you are only interested in dps then roll a mage.
If you want flexibility to be able to either tank and/or heal as well then go with paladin.
If you’re going to be a troll, blood elf the the only choice.
Paladin but only if male and human.
Portals are so much life quality… It feel so good you just jump between the cities doing whatever you want to, anytime.
However, the gameplay isnt very fun…
I have mage and I thought it will be my soulmate till end of the days and Iam heading to make a new character.
I main paladin and find all specs to be fun and straightforward simple - which is something I like when tackling harder (to me) content (Mythic +, new raids). I can spend more time, more “brainwidth” as I call it handling the exterior stuff (mechanics, movements in fights, group coordination as tank, etc), and feel I spend less time on interior stuff (how to play my spec).
But…the lore of a mage - intellect over faith, brain over brawn - is very, very appealing to me. The paladin satisfies the ultimate class for me, though: battlemage. Strength/intellect combined in a melee and mid-range combatant/healer.
I do dance between mage and paladin. But my only alliance mage is level 50. My horde mage is 87.
Join the male human paladin club.
mage pallies are gonna take a nerf.
But overall with pally if you do prot or holy you’re gold
3 words
Depends. If you spend a lot of time solo and like to crush large groups at the same time w/ little chance of failure, Paladin.
If after 14 years, they could ever actually perfect the “glass cannon”, then mage. I really can’t tell you a time in BFA where a mage out dps’d me. If you want ridiculously fun dps, go DH.
Tauren Pally is the way to go, but I have 3 soon to be 4 paladins. Very very excited for my next one.
Well for me, ret is the absolute worst spec in the game. In terms of fun, Its rock bottom. Holy is also trash in the way it plays. The whole melee healer thing is a dead meme. It’s dysfunctional and doesn’t work well at all. About the only worthwhile spec is prot. Mage meanwhile is way more fun. All 3 dps specs have their own niche. Ports are a godsend. The only downside is that it’s way more gear depedentant than any other class. So if you don’t hit ilvl 370+ asap, you’re gonna have a bad time.
I enjoy my paladins more than I enjoy my mage in this game. I don’t like the glass cannon aspect of Mage and really don’t like dying all the time.
I have always hated leveling a mage but my wife absolutely loves them and seems to have a lot of fun with them. So, I figured that I would just use my boost on one and enjoy the glory of being a mage. Guess what? I hate it at max level to. I guess that I just don’t like being locked into just one role.
So, I say pally because you can fill all three roles if your interest or needs change.