Paladin Macros Help:

I just want to hit one button, and cast these. If the first one is on CD, I want it to cast the 2nd one, etc.

/cast Hammer of the Righteous
/cast Exorcism
/cast Shield of the Righteous

I’m pretty sure that you can’t make a macro like that.

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It’s not possible but there is kind of a work around. YouTube “warrior one button macro” video by kootwigs and then repurpose for your pally needs

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Have to cast sequence going by cool down so something like

/castsequence reset=combat/target Exorcism, Shield of the Righteous, Hammer of Righteous

Place any order

If you’re running Art of War, do not bother to ‘castsequence’ Exorcism.

Personally, I like to keep the Rune abilities separate because they can change and I don’t want to keep switching locations of my abilities. But:

Some extra “goodies” from DF are the arguments: “noknown” and “known” - In SoD if this is going to be a Rune ability you’ll need to use the full name of the spell and not the spellID; don’t ask why…Runes appear to be handled differently than regular Talented abilities.

I would recommend taking Asio’s and going Hammer first because it’s a cleave and you really can’t afford to ‘miss’ a hit on a pack pull because it really messes with everything; people start running (away from you)…run into other packs, and suddenly the Warrior/Priest/Lock uses their aoe fear and now mobs are running all other the place…pulling more mobs. And you’re left humming “Hello Darkness my old friend” as everyone dies. ((This may or may not be a true story.))

I’d also recommend doing “reset=combat/target/3”. The ‘3’ makes it so the macro will reset to the first ability after 3 seconds of NOT PRESSING THE BUTTON. Which will force the macro to ‘reset’; sort of a catch-all so you don’t accidently open with an ability you didn’t want to with.