The talent “Fear no evil” is only working when the “Sacred Weapon” buff is applied but not “Holy Bulwark”. So essentially 50% of the time it doesn’t work. I only tested this with Psychic Scream so there is still more testing to be done, but I’ll leave that for people being paid to do so. This has a significantly negative impact on PVP due to how important avoiding CC is for a Paladin. If this bug affects all fears (which is very possible) it also will have a negative impact for PVE, especially M+ as fears are present in multiple dungeons this expansion.
Steps to reproduce
1- On a Holy Paladin, ensure “Fear No Evil” is selected in the Lightsmith Hero Talents
2- Buff yourself with “Holy Bulwark”
3- Have a hostile priest cast “Psychic Scream” on you and observe the full duration.
Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read, I’ll post a youtube video after work for visual reference… This one is a bit of a painful discovery as I thought the talent to be a very fun mechanic for arenas as I often prioritize managing priest fears in those matchups. I wish I discovered sooner than the day before the season starts.
PS- You may want to take a look at recompense as well. It doesn’t trigger if the 30% threshold is reached. It may not be a bug, but it sure would be a lot more fun if it just capped instead of cancelling. Especially now with the nerf to it’s competing Blessing of Sacrifice talent.