Paladin Help Please

This is my first time playing a Paladin so please don’t abbreviate or use acronyms lol.

I want to tank.
What runes do I need and what spec/build do I want?
I guess I’ll be doing incursions for xp for the most part in order to level fastest?

SoD is cooked rn, sorry bud you missed out

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Honestly you can lvl Retribution with a 2hander and when you want to tank you can swap runes and go to a 1hander and shield. You dont need concecration.

Runes. 1) Hammer of righteousness 2:) divine storm, 3) the one that allows exercism on any target and 4.) Guarded by the light. 5.) The the taunt rune Everythings us is personal preference.

Pull with judgement gather them and do Hammer of righteousness and divine storm and judegment and taunt as needed. Wash rinse repeat.

Also have righteous fury on.


Classic andys not having fun in fresh anymore.


just play ret up to 60, get crusader strike and art of war, get a FAST 1h weapon, get world buffs from town, then go out and destroy everything in your path by spamming exorcism

tanking while leveling is just a matter of using righteous fury for threat. nothing is strong enough to require prot talents/gear.

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Welcome to the Brotherhood!

((You may need to look up the actual Rune names because some are called one thing but reward a different named ability.))

Head: Improved Sanctuary
Chest: Aegis
Waist: Malleable Protection (Starting Out; Raids) | Sheath of Light (Geared; non-Raids)
Legs: Avenger’s Shield
Feet: Guarded by the Light (Geared; mana issues) | The Art of War (threat issues) | Sacred Shield (AoE tanking)
Wrist: Hammer of the Righteous
Hands: Hand of Reckoning
Finger 1: Holy Specialization
Finger 2: Defense Specialization
Back: Shield of Righteousness

Remember runes can be swapped out anytime you’re not in combat. So those above that have multiples you can ‘hot swap’ in the middle of a run as needed.

This is what I use: WoWhead: /talent-calc/paladin/00000000000000-053200325001551-502043500000000-

But feel free to experiment. The only real requirements are Redoubt for Aegis to work, Improved Righteous Fury (especially if you’re undergeared), Blessing of Sanctuary, and Holy Shield. The rest is all optional; you won’t ‘fail’ if you ignore the other talents.

((I encourage experimenting. Because this is your character. You might find the guide’s character is the best, but you shouldn’t feel like it’s ‘mandatory’.))

Vindication was altered in SoD to also debuff AP while buffing our AP. We never take Kings now because Hunters have a raid-wide version of it; they don’t stack. Benediction isn’t really needed these days.


Always Incursions and then at 53 you head over to Thorium Point and start the “Eruption Dailies” (every even hour).


I HIGHLY recommend running Radiant Judgement bracer and belt. This activates the 2-set bonus of Radiant, which prevents Judgement from consuming the active Seal. I pick the bracer and belt because:

  1. You can get the Bracer token from the Reals vendor
  2. All the other T2 judgement pieces for tanking are really good.

((This also goes back to the “Experiment with it” approach. I found myself forgetting to renew my Seal; tunnel vision ftw??. So I found a solution, which doesn’t negatively impact my tanking. But it’s not the “optimal” gear choice according to ‘the guide’.))


Do you know google-fu?

Its not though, stop crying

Edit: and lying

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Google is free and has less toxicity than the forums.

See this was 4 days ago idk if people just trolled you leveling in SOD any class is super easy just do quest rock whatever you want for most part follow and general guide for tanking or reach out if you got questions I can help

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