Paladin feels like dog water

I just ran a solo as my ret paladin and it somehow feels a lot worse than it did before this patch?? What is going on, that was a terrible experience



Some say spec is dead. I haven’t played any games yet.


5 HP Wings feels pretty bad.

Couple loses tonight cause I didn’t have HP to hit it. =/


Yeah, play at your own risk it’s pretty crazy. I switched to my fury warrior and had some great games so I guess I’ll stick to that

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Borngood saying Holy is nurf as well, the buffs didn’t offset the nurfs…

Top holy and top Ret both doom saying…

Just watched a disc almost out damage Vanguardz playing double caster disc…

This hurts me.

My copium is officially tapped.


Yeah, idk, I think the Ret nerfs were good for the overall game.

However, I think these nerfs just highlights the flaws of the class and I hope that lights a fire under someone over at Blizzard to rework it.

As far as Melee Wings for Hpal, this style of Melee Wings feels awful to me, and I really don’t enjoy baby sitting Holy Power like this-- I just don’t find it fun. I want to spend Holy Power on WoGs when I need it, not saving for Wings.

And the Aura of Reckoning changes feels awful.

  • Aura of Reckoning needs to be reverted or dropped to like 60 stacks.
  • Avenging Light needs to change to - Avenging Crusader now has a 100% increased cooldown, but no longer costs Holy Power.

This way you can have on demand wings on a 1.5 min cooldown, at the cost of a PvP Talent.

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when did killing an entire class/spec become good for the game? paladin and ele were the only 2 characters with this level of burst. nothing is wrong with multiple damage profiles. we weren’t even that overpowered look last couple weeks. hardly any top rets, i don’t remember any AWC representation. ret is a pubstomper. and as such generates complaints and blizzard just can’t manage to ignore bad feedback from ok feedback.


It’s really bad right now…


I didn’t know deletin a class from the game was healthy. Dhs got to be way more busted, got nerfed still more busted but ret can’t have sht. You got warriors running rampant, locks running rampant, ferals finally got the nerf hammer but they’ll still be A tier. Assas rogues exist & ele shamans r literally 1 tapping people from across the map, but ret just can’t have anything.


It’s a tough conversation to have, I get that it doesn’t feel great, but I think you guys are missing the point where I said hopefully this lights a fire under someone’s *** to finally make some meaningful changes to Ret.

If the spec is 1 shotting people still, it’s probably less likely to get any changes because someone at Blizzard will say “why spend time on Ret? It’s killing people-- it’s fine…”

The game has this underlining issue of “when Paladin or warlocks are good, the game is bad” this is because fundamentally the core design of these specs are flawed in their own ways.

Paladins are too cooldown dependent, Warlocks are too tanky and have to much CC.

These classes need bigger changes and it’s not going to help the game if you just ignore it till its fixed otherwise you’ll just have 200 Ret Paladins left playing.

With all that said, I do agree Ele, Warriors and probably Dragon’s need more nerfs still, other specs need more nerfs still. Just need to hope blizzard continues to make changes. =/


Yeah, as a healer, I’m just sick of the 1 shots. The abilities that take you from 65% → 0 in .4 seconds.

I have hit and been hit by Radiant Decrees for 200k+, which 200k is 60% of 350,000 HP. It’s just not fun for me. =/

And in the case of Ret, when videos like this:

Are sent to Blizzard, I’m sure they are less likely to take a look at our core issues because clearly we’re “viable.”

I view it as, it’s not good to be “viable” for the wrong reasons. ¯\ _ (ツ)_/¯


Yes Venruki not using grounding so he died. After Savix posted about this he just went over the top with the Ret hate. The guy got called out for misplaying.

Look, I commented on a Youtube clip where he got killed by a WW in less than 2 seconds from almost 100%. I just said “lol dead in 2 seconds” as in that’s crazy. He was bothered enough by this to respond to my comment with some dumb sarcastic nonsense about me being a great fan and wanted me to DM him over it for a “prize”…

Plz dude. I guess anything that burst him down when he doesn’t use a cooldown or CC or mobility causes PTSD.

Remember this is the guy that is famous for “Down goes Venruki”. He has a major chip and doesn’t like Rets and lobbies for nurfs every time Ret is good. In his latest Tier list he put Ret second to last, he knows what he was lobbying for would gut Ret. Supa put Ret down on the list as well, they know what they are doing, trying to kill off the spec. I don’t know that Blizzard did it because of them but it’s a little silly that there is an anti-ret lobby out there.

Yes the burst was to high but the nurfs ruined our sustain as well, they claimed they would compensate, damage is just much lower period.


All specs are in the most dog water state they have ever been in.

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Wouldn’t the game be perfectly balanced if everything was a soup sandwich?

Lol, that’s the words of someone high on copium if I ever saw one.


That’s just an opinion.

He misplayed and was called out by literally everyone for doing so

Again this is a case of blizzard looking at whingers then being objective

Ever heard of moving back to better jump?
Ret damage profile is a terrible fit for PVP gamein general, every time this archetype of class/champion is tried it gives off the same result.
You either steamroll or are useless and usually the later the more skilled your opponents are.
PVP games REQUIRES counterplay and there aren’t much counterplay avenues to “100 to 0 someone in a few GCD” identity regardless of the game.(Think of melee ADC in LoL for exemple)
The few that exist are already applied to Ret namely:

  • Low mobility/kiteable
  • Low defensive capability
  • Force decision between offensive and defensive actions.

This is interesting because this situation is extremely frustrating for both the player that plays Ret and the one facing him.
Obviously no one enjoys loosing but the manner in which you loose does have importance.
It is very frustrating to get deleted in a few globals for making a singular mistake and also very frustrating to be relegated to absolute uselessness if your opponent doesn’t make any or simply have the tools that hard counter you.
It is by all means a loose-loose situation IMO.

The only positive things to say about all of this is that if they break it enough, they might be forced to seriously look at the design of the spec and shift its focus. As Zaim said.

Ret design is trash since Alpha! I knew it from the start. Do you guys know that dh got like 3-4 pvp talents baked into their talent trees? When I asked for unbound/sanc to be put in it was silence radio. Asked for a buff duration on LAOTL and they removed it. The nail in the coffin was when they removed spellwarding.

They don’t listen…they don’t care. They don’t know what to do with this class and maybe they will never know.


if they nerfed every single bursty class in the game, and gave them alternative sustained damage, i would agree with you since the one shot bursty meta is stupid af

but, how can be healthy to destroy pretty much the only offensive capability of a class and at the same time not giving anything in return?

probably healthy to the whiners that cry for nerfs when they get one shotted by a ret paladin with defensives up, but for us, its pretty damn bad

you can’t just take away the defining trait of a class in pvp and do nothing to at least make them viable, its almost the same as from now on, rets will not be able to use weapons in arena, but why? it will kill the class, yes, thats what they did.

and what i find the funniest is that, what was the last time you people say a ret paladin in any team that went to a championship final in a competitive arena? cause to be nerfed like this, rets should be just dominating everything, and if they were so damn strong, every top team would be abusing them, but that never happens.

so this nerf is the proof that, blizzard listen to bad players that cry cause they got stomped by rets burst in arena / bgs, ccs / defensives are a thing, if you see the knight in wheelchair popping wings, anyone with half a brain will know that it will hurt to stay near them, but welp, blizzard seem to like messing with a class that is so easy to train and to pretty much make useless during their main damage cooldown…


thats an opinion statement. it works fine in plenty of games. Lets look at a game that came from wow Dota. sven and PA can completely destroy teams with one hit. but are severly weak in other ways. it is fine to have a class excel in only burst damage as long as its their main gimmic. which it was for us.

recognize setup. react to setup that requires more then 4 globals. react to 3 damage globals. Profit. just because noobs can’t realize whats happening doesn’t make it a retribution problem.