Paladin endgame

No one knows.its a diff game to vanilla.

When it comes to what a Class’s role will be, consider what they can do that no one else can do as well.

Pallys have very fast heals, with the right talents they can get free heals off, and they have blessings no one else can cast.

They have unique buffs and can heal when other healers will be out of mana.

They will do those things no one else can do.

:slight_smile: me that kind of Orc!

The discussion is pretty much over based on the above posts, but I do hope that, with content being easier because the players are better, the community lets people have more freedom to play what they find fun.

If you play a holy/prot build which is what I use, it’s very handy for when you gain aggro while healing and mobs are hitting on you til the tank gets the aggro back, or in case the tank for some reason dies, swap weapon and shield, and throw righteous fury on and tank whats left.

For PVP you won’t need to fear anyone who does mainly physical damage. Warriors, rogues, feral druids, beast master hunters. You can laugh at all of them. For spell casters you will be at a disadvantage because paladins are melee, and you will have a hard time catching them if they know how to kite you. And priests will just kill you because mana burn. So use friends to help with them. But feel free to wade into any melee mess going on.

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It’s Classic wow, you can do anything you want. Speed running/meta raiders won’t take you but the 1000000 other guilds really won’t care until AQ40/Naxx.

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What will your spec look like in the end? This sounds kind of what I’m leaning towards. In pvp at least

i wanted to be a prot pally in vanilla and obv i couldn’t. the “meta” that exists now there will be even more stigma against rets and other dps hybrids at end game. read this forum sometime. i was reading a thread telling someone that the only viable spec for druid is healing and if you’re not healing you’re ninjaing gear from people who actually need it. and bears are 034580345834095834059xs more viable than prot pally.

sorry but you are incorrect friend

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viable not optimal. and people are already showing with leveling “metas” that optimal is now the name of the game in classic.

They can shove their demands. Players have a lot more guts to stand up than they used to and tell people to eff off. Raid design doesn’t NEED optimal.


So damning, and yet, mostly accurate. I lol’d out of it’s brevity, truth and flawed popular thinking all at the same time.

What that means for the Paladin: it’s a skill class in that if you don’t put much effort into understanding Paladin, you will heal. Otherwise, welcome to working very hard to gain respect as a hybrid in vanilla, and yes, it can be done splendidly.

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There is a lot of optimal meta going on… but a lot of ‘just have fun’ meta too.

Find the right guild, and run whatever spec you want.

However… prot spec pallies will be a hard sell for a raid in any guild, I think.

I’ve actually heard solid things about a ret paladin in PvP. Sure they have their weaknesses and disadvantages, but every class does.
So far, paladins have been the one class to make me run away in WPvP as an enh shaman. Only lvl 31 though.


I have found that Classic WoW’s Paladin endgame really was in PvP. Paladins were just good at support in desperate fast action situations. All the Utility “Shined” more in PvP’s wildly unexpected situations. In PVE, since everything is scripted and phased, Paladins are plain old healers and buffers. Nothing wrong with it, but it gets tiring, when the gear you raid for didn’t offer spec choices.

As someone who mained a pally in vanilla and was given the go ahead to play Ret in raids by my guild, I never understand why there was such a huge desire to be able to play a spec that was essentially just a beefy auto attacker in raids.

I did like 3 raids as Ret and then I told my guild, I wasn’t asked by them, I brought it up, that it was stupid for me to be amalgamating a set for Ret and taking loot from others or busting my butt in PvP trying to grind up to rank 12 just to do what I was already doing as Holy (meleeing mobs when it was safe to do so) just with more auto attack damage and a different seal essentially while being way more stingy with my mana…

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I’m not really looking to spec Ret. More so looking for a tanky build for pvp who can deal moderate damage while being a pain to kill. And be a tank in PvE.

From what I’ve been looking at most Tank specs go down the holy tree as well and can heal in a pinch if needed. Is this true?

find your prettiest dress and wiggle your fingers

You do need to go down holy tree as Protection Paladin to get AOE Spell. My build is to be a tough pvp’er that is supporter annoying and hard to kill. I run a 26/25/0 build

Really depends on your guild. First time i ever raided(i told guild i didn’t really have time to raid), guild leader asked me if i could come to ZG. I said I didn’t really have gear. He said don’t worry about anything. He told me to just cleanse anything I could and if didn’t have anything to do just throw some flash heals on tank. Later i did more of the same then some main heals and offheals.