Paladin Dual Twisting: Leave It In!

Sorry, but you have no idea the mess you would be asking for. You got a change so your class works like it did in TBC, take it and be happy, but if Blizzard starts going down the road of adding special changes for everyone and we now have balance problems and itemization issues that need to be re-worked, pushing the entire TBC launch back months.

No, I would take my special Pally change to make one-way twisting possible after batching was removed and be happy you got it.

Oh, and if I am correct, this competitive edge you lose was one you never had in original TBC to begin with.


Fact. It just depends on if you are getting the bloodlust.

That clip was with dual twisting on a pserver btw :slight_smile:


Regardless, I was doing it on the real TBC, but we didnt just give all the lusts to the locks.

nah i think i know the video hes talking about. the paladin wasnt even using judgment on cooldown. the guild barely killed brut as he hit enrage.

low apm players in that guild

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What’s the point in making gameplay less interactive? Keep it in!


Seal twisting is in. The optimal rotation will be using it.

People here are demanding it be made stronger than it was in tbc because it would be a bigger boost to ret dps.


If they allow seal twisting, it should be bidirectional. Single direction is basically not worth the effort. You can only twist every other swing cycle and still maintain CS (albeit delayed depending on AS). It will also cause significant delays to using judgement. It also becomes impossible to twist (while maintaining CS) under 3.0 AS. Keep in mind that Bloodlust takes a 3.8 speed weapon to 2.92 AS and a 3.6 speed weapon to 2.77 AS just by itself. Bloodlust also makes bidirectional problematic as you can only twist half your swings if below 3.0 AS and maintain CS. Seal twisting places paladins in a weird spot where they actually don’t want Bloodlust, like at all.


Seal twisting should be bi directional.


yes. not sure why people are arguing against it lol.
Just QQing about good Ret players beating their low effort dps I guess


Concern trolling is the prevalent tone on these forums, so some people want to pretend they care about being TBC-like even though alliance are getting seal of blood.


This times a million. Give us full seal delays unilaterally! We like the twist!


Bi-Directional Seal Twisting would be a great mechanic to add to ret paladins. It makes the gameplay a lot more engaging and would allow a skillful player to separate themselves from their peers. As it stands, the one-directional twist looks and feels clunky.

Please Blizzard, at least clarify what your intent is with this instead of just using the word “seals.”


Please Blizzard, at least acknowledge us and make your reasoning known/consistent.


Accurate 1 way twisting also beats a standard rotation when done right. It’s not like twisting is suddenly not the best ret rotation if bidirectional twisting isn’t in.

People just want their ret pallys doing hunter level dps, which is pretty far from the design intent of tbc.


I don’t think that bidirectional twisting was ever close to hunter/lock DPS, you’re sensationalizing the request.


I think this deserves attention, great post.


yeh, at the end of the day, a ret paladin is a ret paladin. all the more reason to allow bi-directional twisting. its just a smoother gameplay experience.


Yeah there’s no reason to not have the dual twist in. It literally just gives more options to an already limited rotation and there aren’t going to be any ret pallies beating hunters and locks regardless of whether its in or not. Its basically a QoL change that should stay in.


Honestly they could just buff rets damage instead of keeping a stupid gimmick, like why relive the same mistakes.