They realized their mistake with Classic, and want to do differently for TBC. This was their decision.
Also the minimal amount of tuning required returns massive amounts in revenue.
They realized their mistake with Classic, and want to do differently for TBC. This was their decision.
Also the minimal amount of tuning required returns massive amounts in revenue.
They should remove twisting.
Would be better if they put in a big CD that gave you every seal effect on your PLD for 20-30 seconds before going on CD.
Last I checked the way Seals were supposed to work was only one is allowed to be active at any given time.
Seals are boring as hell. Just give me all the aura’s.
Only thing seals were for is to give you the illusion Paladin had more to press then just auto attack.
Thanks, Smeet. Appreciate the help!
The way things work is very different from how it actually tends to work out. There are a lot of different things in game that happened to be different than their intended form. Nerfing seals this hard (especially since many ways to use seals require judging one to buff others) is completely unnecessary.
Just because you don’t understand the intention behind seals doesn’t mean they’re bad. Honestly, seal twisting is way more interesting than the FCFS garbage from Wrath.
Seals aren’t bad. I just find them boring.
Most fun I’ve ever had with seals is timing server ticks to proc 3 autos in 2 gcds.
The main reason most people like twisting is that it provides some interactivity while playing. It’s not really about the additional damage that results. The last thing paladins need is another button to press once every couple minutes.
I mean, they’re like imbues. They’re only as boring as you see them. Especially if you think auras are more interesting.
That’s the whole point behind seal twisting, by the way. To benefit from more than one and to give you more to do.
It’s painfully obvious that the people who don’t want twisting in were looking forward to auto attacking, and are fearing gray parses now that there’s a meta behind ret.
Every time they want to post in this thread they should ask themselves if their argument is completely invalidated by the fact that blizzard gave alliance seal of blood.
I don’t think the bulk of the people against seal twisting even play Paladin.
the thing is with twisting you actually go from being an auto attack bot to having one of the most demanding rotations in the game. so no, seal twisting is beloved by most and we dont want it to go away
Yeah and the Seal of Blood change wasn’t to boost your class’ dps. It was to prevent a large population imbalance. That would fall into the umbrella of some changes. A rebalancing of your class to make them a top dps and more bursty in PVP isn’t the same thing.
It’s a good thing no one is arguing for it to go away.
Just arguing against it being expanded for no reason beyond “I like that incorrect version of twisting better!”
Where are you getting this rebalancing to a top dps idea? Maybe you haven’t had a chance to review the entirety of the thread and are just assuming the content and context of the conversation based on your personal biases? No one here is asking for those types of changes.
we’ll take seal of blood back then
btw, again, since you cant read, the guy im replying to is arguing for seal twisting to go away
Have it back for all I care if it would make people stop begging for 2 way twisting because your interpretation of “some changes” is pretty much without limits.
Also, I don’t consider a guy saying “take away seal twisting but make up a brand new cooldown to get all seals at once” to be a serious argument against seal twisting entirely.
luckily he’s also not the only person in this thread thats argued to remove seal twisting altogether, and the other that did offered nothing in return. just “remove it”
It’s a little hyperbolic to equate stating that you prefer the gameplay of 2-way twisting over 1-way twisting with “some changes” without limits. I guess I’m curious if you plan on playing retribution in TBCC. Is it your preference for no changes, balancing concerns, or the gameplay that turns you off of 2-way twisting?
smeets just the kinda guy that reminded the teacher they had homework due when they forgot
I really wanted to give Smeet a chance, but he just keeps recycling the same arguments and responding to everything that remotely bothers him.
Smeet is here for two reasons. To argue with people and to keep his spec as easy as possible. I understand his concerns, I really do, but his desire to preserve things for his preference is very selfish.
At the end of the day two way twisting adds depth to the class. In addition, two way twisting of EVERY seal matches, not only the original PTR post, but also the patch notes in live Classic.
We’re not here to support something we made up. We’re here to encourage them to give us what they said they were. My guild would love to see our Rets get two way twisting as, I’m sure, most guilds would.
The beauty of classic is the community you build together and the straight forward nature of the game. It’s not cluttered and clogged with random stuff like retail. You find your team and you support each other. A lesson Smeet could learn.
2 way twisting does not put ret pallys at top DPS idk what you’re smoking, all it does is give us an actual rotation