Paladin class mount bug

I don’t know if it’s me or not, but ever since they released the TTWV pre-patch, the paladin class mount (legion one) rides like one of those kiddie mechanical horse rides even with skyriding turned off.


Are you meaning it sort of prances/hops side to side while moving? All wingless mounts that can fly do that now.

No, the character awkwardly rocks forward and backward now. It is more pronounced on the ground.

I made a thread in General to ask for it to be fixed, come chime in:


This. I did not know there was already a thread on this. Thanks for responding.

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This is happening with multiple horse mounts, but not all. It is clear this pre patch (and the expansion) are being RUSHED out the gate. DF felt rushed and it was a ishshow but this feels even worse

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I do not like what they’ve done to the Chargers with Dynamic Flying. I’ve studied a lot of horse animation and anatomy and it looks so bad, to me. lol X)

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This is happening to the monk class mount as well; it looks very weird when using sky riding.


This is still an issue. I spent a long time questing to get this mount. Please fix.

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Yeah, noticed many mounts do this now, warlock class mount too. Looks absolutely ridiculous…

what ever mount that uses the flying horse with no wings animation does that

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Still has not been fixed.

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