Paladin Class Fantasy Feedback

So going into the Retribution Fantasy, this is interesting because it’s yet again Final Verdict being buffed without taking into consideration Templar’s Verdict, and assuming Justicar’s Vengeance?

I assume if you’d buff Templar’s Verdict, both Justicar’s and Final Verdict would go up? Idk, I assume that’s how it would work.

While I know Final Verdict is the better choice, if you’re not playing it, you’re doing it wrong, blah blah blah… but that’s not the topic here. :slight_smile:

The question is, does Blizzard not even consider Templar’s Verdict and Justicar’s Vengeance as abilities? Is it just not even in that line of thought that this is only buffing 1/3 spells that basically function as the same thing – our HP Finisher.

Don’t get me wrong that’s understandable, but why have these Choice Nodes if there isn’t going to be an attempt to balance them? If they are just gonna feel like “trap talents?”

  • I understand not wanting to split the talent tree in this 50/50 melee vs caster, but at the same time, is the alternative of having dead choice nodes better?
  • How does that get commucicated to newer players, etc?
  • Again, just asking, would it be better to have this Holy Hammerdin vs this By Fire Be Purged Sword-adin(?) with synergetic talents throughout?
  • Or would it just be better to eliminate as many choice nodes as possible, say this is the “Retribution Paladin” at it’s core, and the fantasy will come later in more Hero Talents Trees?
  • Outside of an Expansion Feature, what’s more important the Baseline Class, Baseline Spec, or Hero Talents? :smiley:
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