Paladin Aniversary Pants

Are they meant to lack the 3D skirt the robe has? Imo they’d look way better if they had it.

Pants… Yuck…

:nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

Pantlessness is the true path of enlightenment.


Kill the one in the dress!


give that paladin booty shorts stat!


Yeah anyone that likes pants has clearly never worn a comfy long skirt.

I even have some with pockets!! If it wasn’t for work making me I’d never wear pants.

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The pants are a little weird, not having any 3D elements to them at all. Not only that, but the boots aren’t that great either, and having them showing even more looks kinda awkward.

I mean, I’m glad they considered it and tried to add in a pants option, but I don’t know who is going to even use it.

Aren’t the “pants” in the classic set a kilt? Did they turn the chest into a full robe?

It is pretty disappointing how they never gave it the split skirt option.

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this one right?

pants look so damn bad lmao


The set is just like the classic version, where the leggings are the skirt/kilt section. However, they’ve also added in a second option for pants. They did that for several sets, actually. I’m not a fan of the Paladin implementation, but some of the others are decent looking. However, that’s probably because they’re cloth/leather and you don’t expect cloth or leather pants to look too bulky, like you would platemail leggings.

That boot style has always looked awkward to me, this one looks like you’re wearing a boot inside a stirrup that has been removed from a saddle, but at least this time it’s an actual set of boots. The ones in Shadowlands looked like metal slippers. Greatboots? More like great slippers!

I’m more disappointed that the T2 sets didn’t come with their iconic (to varying degrees) TBC dungeon recolors.

And the paladin set has that amazing blue-green “Of Undead Slaying” set recolor, too. From the Wrath patch event. Which is my favorite incarnation of the set, but it lacks the helm.

Honestly the Revendreth cosmetic boots could fit, they match up almost perfectly for the red/gold and are actually armoured

Wear a skirt