Paintings changing

Wake me when they give shirts to all the characters in Maldraxxus, the Archon, and most of the heritage armor sets when worn by girls.

Another phase in marketing and video games became more mainstream hence the attention itā€™s getting. When cash stops flowing in theyā€™ll revert begging for their customers to come back, but the question is will they. Thatā€™s why competition looking at Blizzard errors makes sure they stay top on their game.

Thatā€™s probably so until this phase is over and games that donā€™t follow this marketing practice.

itā€™s also pointless, i donā€™t think anyone was actually complaining about the paintings in the first place. just saying, changingā€™em is pretty petty.


Ah yes, Blizzard taking a page out of the Talibanā€™s book. Cover up or be removed. Our precious wamans must be hidden away, less our employees get their urges again.


Have never in my years on these forums or in game seen one complaint about ā€œrevealing picturesā€ in WoW that offended anyone.

Does this then set a precedent?
I hope not. These assets were not made with intent to shame or insult anyone.

shakes head


Not one person in 17 years that WoW been online that I seen anyone say anything against those paintings.

It is all part of the Woke movement.


you shouldnā€™t support censorship.


I think people need to make copies of the original paintings and hang it up on the living room wall to fight censorship.

i think you dont decide for others what matters and what doesnā€™t. Donā€™t be an apologist.

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hello iā€™m gaahr

Not deciding for anyone but me just stating a opinion.

you think people need to make copies of original paintings?

that is just a lie. Not an opinion, a lie.

And this is why I love anime they arenā€™t afraid to show somethings. Unlike here where we canā€™t have nice things even fictional barely out there things

In my opinion people shouldnā€™t support censorship. This is just another form of censorship. Taking away your paintings thatā€™s been around for 17 years.

I was making a stupid joke anyway. People shouldnā€™t like being censored.

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People donā€™t like being censored, I just donā€™t give a pigā€™s fart if someone chooses to censor themselves.

Iā€™m pretty happy Iā€™m not playing the game anymore. Now sitting on the outside watching, itā€™s pretty humorous to watch this game fall apart.

As long as Astilsa paintings arenā€™t being removed, Iā€™m good. :eyes:

They are probably deleting that next iā€™d take a screen shot before that painting is gone too.

Iā€™m not being censored if Iā€™m not missing anything. Iā€™ve been playing since 07 and only barely recall possibly noticing the paintings in all these years. To me itā€™s like saying Iā€™m not allowed to fly under my own power, Iā€™m not capable anyway and donā€™t care to regardless. I couldnā€™t see those paintings 99.9% of the time, probably maybe noticed the woman a single time, and wonā€™t miss them as a result.

I mean it isnā€™t even nostalgic. Itā€™s cryptic. Perfect type of thing to get rid of, and all the people slippery sloping over armor, you can still wear your underwear + skimpiest pants you can afford, calm down.

Blizzard could be fixing 1000ā€™s of other more critical stuff that is badly wrong with this game and yet they take down worthless paintings thats been up for 17 years that no one cares about. Cause some woke cultistā€™s wants them down. Cause some Woke cultist canā€™t help themselves to hunt for things to get offended about.

How about us getting offended by crappy loot drops and loot scarcity?

Itā€™s not the paintings its the censorship.

The same could be said for the people whining for the past 24 hours about the paintings.

There are definitely some hills worth dying on in this xpac but this ainā€™t one of em.