Paid Services Down in Era

Via A plea for the return of paid character transfers

Please re-enable Paid Transfer Service on Era!

This was posted on the EU Classic forum by “Mizane-Blutmund,” but its sentiments are equally applicable on the US servers:

This is Blutmond’s desperate prayer to the faceless powers that guide the destinies of the European Classic Era realmpool Heartstriker-Venoxis-Dragon’s Call.

Nigh three summers past the world has changed drastically over a single night. We woke in empty cities with our guild tabards pale and grey, wondering whether we might ever again measure our skills against the mighty evils that lurk in Azeroth’s dungeons and instances.

Not a day had passed however, when a brave leader of the pack had gathered together what little forces remained. He formed the German guild “Blutmond” and set out to strengthen its members by taking on the Soulflayer in the temple city of Zul’Gurub. Supported by seasoned raidleaders, Blutmond soon progressed to smother the fiery elementals in Molten Core, rid Blackwing Lair of its dragonspawn and cleanse the ruins and temple of Ahn’Qiraj of its insect infestations.

In early spring 2022, Blutmond was ready to enter the floating necropolis of Naxxramas and tackle the undead. With unrelenting patience and willpower, Blutmond’s colourful assembly eventually achieved steady weekly full clears of all instances. We unite WoW veterans and greenhorns, minmaxers and memespeccers, fulltimers and parttimers, as well as people of different origins and tongues all under one banner. Our community has thrived by an unrivalled spirit of sharing and caring, where those who own stock, skills and resources provide for those who have little or nought. Committed heroes have carried our raids through many a hard season. Our leaders have established an intricate rule system which ensures fair and generous participation, loot distribution and conflict resolution.

We proudly believe to have kept alive the true WoW Classic spirit.

However those past seasons various adversities have started to haunt our realmpool. Most threatening of all a surge of soulless beings, come to drain our resources. They bear unspeakable letters for names, need not rest or sleep and possess inhumane capabilities of finding and gathering herb and ore. We call them “Bots”. In the beginning we desperately addressed the powers that govern our world, including our tormentors names in our prayers, but to no avail. Our pleas went unanswered and the invasion only grew. The resources we so direly need to muster the necessary strength to keep the evils of Azeroth in check are being carried off to a faraway place called Firemaw, which is driven by a toxic capitalistic economy that has no place for the poor, the weak or the different. From time to time, we are forced to send a brave traveller to this hell to buy goods which can no longer be gathered because of the Bot-plague.

A fortnight ago, without warning, the bridge between our two realms has shattered one way and some of our travellers are since stranded far away with no possibility to return. Firemaw-“misfits” who have sought refuge on our peaceful realm every now and then now have nowhere to turn to, while the parasites that drain our realms are still allowed to carry away our resources unhindered.

We have carried many a burden without resentment or outcry. However this latest doom shakes our carefully built and sustained community to the core and threatens to ruin our existence. Thus we must take our last stand and turn to those all-powerful beings, hoping they might bless us with grace and justice:

Please reinstall paid transfer from and to our realmpool, so that our lost brothers and sisters as well as Firemaw-refugees may join us and strengthen our ranks once again, while the plague might be eradicated.

Thank you.