If you had 4 hour queues for more than the first week, you had the option of free server transfers. If you didnt like the queues you could have left then. If your friends wanted to stay, and you stayed because of them, that still boils down to being you guy’s faults.
There are consequences to your actions/decisions in this game, and theres a reason people are so invested in characters/reputations. This diminishes that.
It also affects servers in more than just economy. When transfers became a thing in classic, it dramatically affected the world first races and top guilds on all servers. Some gulds it made elite, others were completely ruined as their best members were poached by WF guilds.
Yea know, I know people that did stuff with their friends too. Like transfer with them only to get ditched on a dead server and their character is stuck there. Not speaking from experience by from posts I’ve read.
My best friend rolled on a different server and now both of us are too high level and stubborn to reroll. Now both of us play retail since we can at least group together there. But we miss Classic.
I really hope they have paid transfers eventually. If people are worried about exploitation, make the character transfer have a long cooldown.
I would love Paid Transfers. At first i liked Grob but RP isnt my thing. So i went to Arcanite Repaer as that was all i was offered that server seems pretty much dead when im online.
It is a bad idea, in today’s player environment. If Blizzard introduces a “paid” thing, a ton of players will attack the company for being “money-grubbers”, and for “charging players money to fix a problem that Blizzard created”.
By “a ton of players” I mean hundreds of posts in this forum.
And it will “fix” nothing. Your belief that a “balanced server” exists is a nice fantasy, but it’s just a fantasy. So add hundreds more posts by players who “paid good money” but it didn’t help – and they blame Blizzard for their own actions.
In the New Era Blizzard, I doubt they mind much if they are called “money-grubbers” or be accused of “charging players money to fix a problem that Blizzard created.”