Paid Race Change Option

I mean, before it became the hungering beast that was retail with all the various things in the cash shop, race changes and server transfers were a thing as early as Burning Crusade.

While I would be against things like level boosts, I see nothing wrong with very basic features like race changes and server transfers. If they wanna make 10 bucks off of someone that picked a face they don’t like anymore, it’s not hurting my gameplay any.


It’s only been a month.
I’m level 46 and decided last night to reroll to a more populated realm and switch factions. 25 isn’t really scratching the surface

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When player choices become flexible and impermanent, it permeates the way people make choices in game, as well as how people feel about their choices. Sorry you messed up, but I think it’s super important to not to allow these kinds of things in Classic.

That said, I’m sure they’ll bring it into the game if Classic stays popular. They’ll what to monetize the game in any and every way possible.


Should have thought of that before you played a race you didn’t like. No changes

Welcome to Vanilla, where choices matter.

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I will keep updating this until we get a blue post saying yes/no/maybe.

no ones saying that. All we’re asking for is non-gameplay features. Lots of people were affected by their friends splintering off with the launch queue times.

Storytime: I read the blizz posts about choosing lower pop realms, and advised that we all (my friends) go somewhere other than herod. Too many cooks in the kitchen amongst our guild wanted to stay on herod for economy, etc. When the queue times were keeping some our members out, they decided to roll alts on another server for a few days till the queue times went down. To this day, 9/27, there are still hour long queues around primetime. So, by now, my friends have leveled their alts far and beyond what their herod characters are. I’m a mage, so I breezed to 60 in two weeks, thinking theyd be rolling back and I could powerlevel some of them up. I couldn’t control their actions to prevent this situation, and didnt want to waste my time on an alt, so i suffered/teamviewered my way through the queues.

Now, I have a 45 shaman on the server my buds went to that I’m leveling slower to savor everything. All I want is to get these characters in one place.

You think I’m asking for miles when i just want inches. This has no effect on your gameplay. If anything, it smooths out population differences between realms with the added benefit of reuniting friends that tried to come back together for this game.

Any paid service, be it a WoW token, level boost, paid mounts, etc. (anything outside character services) would be disastrous to the feel of classic.

Paid services were available during Vanilla World of Warcraft in the form of server transfers. They were one way only if you you went PVP to PVE. PVE servers were free to transfer among each other and PVP servers likewise.

hey, my guy, read my post DIRECTLY above that.

Then you said “ANY” paid service. Transfers are a paid service.

What about this tidbit?

honestly does not suprise me that you’re in special olympus. lol.

Other character services are outside of the scope of this thread and not something I’m advocating for. Race changes themselves are already limited by the constraint of what class you are playing, it has no impact on other players enjoyment of the game or a particular player’s server reputation (unlike a name)…I think it is a very small quality of life request to ask for. Again, even if only once.

What’s wrong with Troll?

Ive already re-rolled 3 toons because of their names, lol. I’d prefer this not be added, but if it WAS added - like someone previously mentioned - make it something we have to do in game and make it one-time only. Or just not at all. :grimacing:


Nothing is wrong with Troll, they’re adorable. I just always play Undead. I want to go back to what I was happier with :frowning:

Troll females are cute seriously :heart_eyes:

This is request number 934 for adding a feature to Classic. Please stand in an orderly line. Currently serving request number 1.

Blizzard already answered it though

Actually very well could have an impact. Imagine leveling as a human and doing the night elf zones for darn rep and getting exalted faster, then swapping to a gnome and keeping your rep.