Paid Character Transfers will be fine since we have "Layering"

Lets face it, layering has murdered economies. They already knew what layering was capable of and allowed it anyways.

So by that logic why can’t we have paid character transfers? It’s not going to do ANY damage remotely close to what layer has and is still doing right now.


Why not just make a character on another server… you know, like we used to do.

you should pay more attention, blizzard has said they will like exist, but only after a certain threshold of players reaches level 60.

I know that. I am just stating the obvious to people who think transfers are going to put a dent in economies.

Nothing will ever be able to touch the economy of a server like “Layering” has.


Paid server transfers would only further make the overpopulation issue worse as they would be used by the VAST majority to move from low pop > high pop Realms.

Saying otherwise is just foolish because they already have FREE high pop > low pop transfers and demanding paid ones would imply that you want to go somewhere with more characters.

As-is there is already going to have to be SOMETHING drastic done to move players around for free, be it voluntary (Doubtful this will be enough) or forcibly before Phase 2 can launch.

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My first character isn’t even 60 yet. Yea…not leveling another one just because.

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Opinion not based on fact

Yes they knew it would allow stable servers

Layering is doing damage ? Paid transfers do damage ?

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You couldn’t transfer to high pop realms when it first came out.

Just because someone wants to transfer doesn’t mean they are trying to get onto a high pop realm or that is their intention. Maybe they have friends that started playing and they want to be on their server.


Guy, first off most people aren’t taking those free transfers to dead servers.

What happens generally is “forced transfers” create a faction imbalance. Look to heartseeker as evidence.

When I say forced I just mean that they chose your one and only destination rather than allowing you to pick yourself.

What they should do is allow you to choose your server. You would respond that this would create more Que times? You would be incorrect if they correctly monitored transfers. All they have to do is “LOCK” servers as they become full and nobody else can transfer there. Pretty simple logic, right?

Paid character transfers are coming because they’re needed to sort out the awful launch that scattered friends and guilds across servers due to the high que times and ghost town servers.

We don’t want to re roll another 60 to play with friends and shouldn’t have to for that matter. This isn’t retail where you go from 1-120 in 2 days not to mention professions actually matter as well as gold.

You can scream, kick and fight all you want. You can yell at people to just “hurr hurr re roll nub” all you want as well.

Transfers are coming you might as well accept that.

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Transfers will come eventually im sure. But don’t expect them anytime soon.

Maybe after all of the AQ40 gates are open, but before then it is not even worth talking about.

Even then I would rather not see any more, if any population imbalances. It is already questionable that they did the free transfers off of high pop realms.

Such aaaaas merging two servers and affixing the server name as a hyponation on the end of everyone’s name? probably.


The majority of people I’ve seen asking for paid transfers are trying to meet up with friends that got split up in the quepocalypse. No mention of trying to be on full realms.


They’re trying to balance server populations right now.

Paid transfers would be counterproductive.

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And if 3 friends are split up by the (in your words) quepocolypse and one is on a low pop server, one is on a medium and the third is on a high who do you think will transfer to join together ? (hint it’s not the person on the high pop server)

I’m glad in the made up scenario the made up friends go with the made up result that fits your nonsensical fears.

Nice one.

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I based it on historical fact.
When Blizzard brought in paid transfers high pop servers got worse, low pop servers got worse and faction balance on PvP servers got worse.
I know you want to only see sunshine and rainbows but paid server transfers just make everything worse that free character moves is trying to fix (plus also messes up faction imbalance to be even worse)

You are all in for a rude awakening when you realize that there is NO WAY that they’ll be able to release P2 for the wPvP and Honor system with a unified, unlayered world that has more than about 3500-4000 concurrent players on it at a given time.

You’re kidding yourselves if you think for a moment that blizzard is going to let people choose where they transfer until WELL after they have server pops below those numbers and also have Battlegrounds go live.

Also, I keep hearing people calling low pop realms “dead” and I understand why it FEELS that way, but it’s 100% due to they layering and also the fact that cro-magnon folks who would struggle with supervised cave painting refuse to move away from the ridiculously overpopulated servers.

In the end, only time will tell how it will shake out as it’s obvious that blizz never thought that WoWC was going to be this popular and have been thus-far assuming that the population will plummet after the first month of subs. If subs do drop like flies, then we might be in luck and they won’t need to take drastic steps, but if the game remains popular and possibly even grows in the coming months there are going to be hundreds of angry forum posts when blizz decides to rip the bandaid off with P2 and forcibly transfer people to new low pop realms.

If the goal is to replicate the Vanilla experience without layers or turning every respawn timer down by 500%, people are GOING to have to move, of their own free will or not, and allowing paid transfers BEFORE that time is not only a bad idea, but terrible business sense.

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Your really blowing me away with these unproven historical facts, maybe it’s all the source info you forgot to post that proves it.

I know you want to only see rain clouds and thunderstorms, but paid server transfers aren’t bad.

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I think you are going to get paid transfers … just not yet.