Jesus no restrictions? Holy cow… good bye Skeram
I wonder if we are going to be the new US flamelash
Jesus no restrictions? Holy cow… good bye Skeram
I wonder if we are going to be the new US flamelash
Seems like a pretty terrible time to do it. People are just going to take the transfers now to rank then transfer back in 90 days.
But I guess Blizz makes $50 so I guess that’s what they want.
“purposely”, man, nice tinfoil hat.
Players caused the unbalance, because apparently Alliance doesn’t want to pvp.
Look it flamelash, it was “okish” on the balance mark (about 45/55) and the Alliance STILL fled.
I’m pretty stoked about this. I started on an east coast server to play with friends, and they’re all gone now. So this will allow me to go to a server I can actually raid on with my stupid work schedule.
Same thing here.
Agree. Stupidity is not casual.
you’re literally subbed to their game
Wow players a week ago …”I’m quitting if I can’t transfer off my server”.
Wow players after paid transfers released on classic…”This is bull$hit Blizzard doesn’t listen!”
Maybe just be happy and play the game.
no, you are the wrongboi
I know it’s good for people who didn’t choose the right server and all, but I’m just sick of watching Blizz nickle and dime their customer base. It’s one of the smaller reasons I have no desire to play retail.
That’s a good point. What are they doing about honor ranks for people who transfer?
Called it. Paid transfers were only in 1.11 to curb the dying realms. You all basically offered it in patch 1.2.
Money hungry, and now the servers and the community will pay the price. A 90 day cooldown?
Prepare to see a LOT more ninjas and toxic people in general. Also prepare to see entire guilds (especially huge gaming communities) pillage servers to hold monopolys for a time, only to move to another server and do it again. I’ve officially lost faith in this game.
Can’t believe I actually wanted Classic+, the naysayers were right, you’d screw that up. You actually manged to screw classic up before BWL came out, I’m impressed. I couldn’t imagine what a classic+ would be like, no thanks.
Not true, Blizz allow open transfers to all servers, and alliance obviously transfer from servers with low ally pop (this is LOGICAL). They destroy balance with that, not players. No one transfer from a 5% difference server, gimme a break, most “balanced” servers are now 60/40. So they open free transfers, those servers end 80/20 and they fix it with a profitable 25usd per transfer. Yeah, not the plan at all.
Nothing preventing me from moving onto a full server. Which is the only thing that matters.
No one transfer from a 5% difference server
Oh, they have, en masse.
Need more alliance on Kromkrush! Great server and community. They even have a server discord where everyone talks mad S***!
I might be in the minority, but I just wanted to say thanks for this. I wanted to roll on Bloodsail Buccaneers because i wantdd both the RP and PvE experience. But my friends all wanted back on a PvP server like back in the day. They didn’t even make it to October before quitting and I was stuck. Got to 40 and was feeling like not playing anymore because my 30 to 60 minute bursts of playing involved too much time as a ghost, and I didnt want to re-level this guy.
So, I’m glad this came just now.
Speaking just for myself, i think this is a terrible idea.
You can’t transfer to a full server
they watched us get slaughtered by imbalance for months and didnt do a dang thing now all of a sudden u can farm in the world again now they make trasnfers… its such a slap n the face