Pagsly won't search for Piles of Treasure in Waterworks Delve

On the third piles of treasure, pagsly bugged out and is frozen in place “searching” for treasure. I tried pulling a mob to kill me to reset, and now he is stuck with a permanent speech bubble but uninteractable and also won’t find more treasure. Already spent 20 minutes in the delve and now have to restart :frowning:


I just had the same issue–10 bountiful delve. 3rd pile in circular room. Annoying as there’s no way to reset him. Not even dying worked.

Also had this issue but Pagsly died, couldn’t res him so we were stuck on the 4th and had to call it.+

Same issue level 8 bountiful delve. 3rd pile. tried several things. Only option was to quit.

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I logged out, and that didn’t work.
I died, and then the second wave on the 3/4 treasure appeared.
Any air totem I picked up disappeared afterwards.
I finished the delve by killing waxface. Brann stopped doing any damage.
I completed the delve with 5 lives, even though I died once.
I did not receive a bountiful coffer. Lame.

Edit: This one is ridiculously difficult to do solo. The other 3 were incredibly easy compared. Brann seemingly is nerfed in this delve. The Taskfinder’s are way too strong compared to other mobs of same healthpool/status in the other bountiful delves.

I could run it again as it did show as bountiful.
I did not have any issue with pagsly.
I was able to complete the delve and open the bountiful chest.

My notes about the mobs being incredibly strong compared to others are still valid.
My notes about Brann being a paperweight are still valid.

I am 602 ilvl, Brann lvl29.

Same issue. Level 8, Pagsly bugged out on the 3rd treasure, sitting there doing nothing.

just happened to me… 2nd pile of treasure… i tried dying too, doesnt do anything.


Bugged out for me too… buggy xpac is a buggy xpac I guess

Seeing the same problem. Only spawned 1 wave, and now he’s just sitting there. Trying to Solo T8

Edit: Leaving the delve and going back in worked for me, but still, it shouldn’t break like this. I’ve also noticed the air purifiers / candles sometimes disappear immediately after you pick them up. Super irritating.

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Thanks for this I thought I was going to have to abandon the delve today.

Had the same issue. The kobold was nowhere to be seen come the 3rd search. I fixed it by logging out and in, but I finished it and there was no great chest. Enemies had 4-8x the hp that would made sense. Took over an hour and got nothing to show for it. Waterworks nevermore.

just ran into this as well, third pile, absolute waste of time

You can fix bug by killing mobs and the leaving delve and re entering. I got stuck at third and fourth spot and got pagsly unstuck and ended up unlocking the treasure room.

how do you leave without ending delve you meed relogging?

Just ran into this, nothing worked to fix. Absolute waste of time and food.

I died on the second treasure, but was able to reincarnate, and finished the waves. But the kobold disappeared and now cannot complete. Did a /reload hoping that might fix, but no deal. Ran back to the beginning of the delve to check if she had reset back there, but no. Could not find anywhere in the delve. Can’t progress now.

I had a similar issue. I had to die on purpose and than it fixed. A dumb workaround but at least you can finish… lol

Same issue here, bugged in the 3rd pile. Don’t waste your time, don’t do this delve.

same here, had to abandon, dying, leaving didn’t help

So I had this happen as well. I cleared the room and the kobold finally got the third treasure.