Pagle’s Most Efficient GDKP
About Us:
- 54/54 Ulduar 25. 54/54 Ulduar 10.
- Phase 1: 17/17 + 3D week 2 - Multiple Immortal/Undying Runs
- Emphasis on a positive raid environment that is extremely efficient at clearing content.
- Raiders are all held accountable in order to produce smooth runs.
- All starting bids are 500/100.
We are now recruiting leads to run 10mans throughout the week
Community 25 man raids:
Thursday: 8:30 pm (53/54)
Friday: 8:30 pm (54/54)
Saturday: 8:30 pm (53/54)
Monday: 8:30 pm (53/54)
Loot System: GDKP
**General Expectations: **
- Please be able to handle feedback and strive to better yourself and the raid as a whole. If we feel that you can improve in an area we will work together to help you grow.
**Get Vetted Today! **