Pagle world server is down

Retail babies amuse me so much :rofl::rofl:

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Nah, man… on the loading screen you gotta hit I D D Q D

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Breezed through queue, from 7k to 1k then 2 minutes later, character select. World server down 2 hours after rhat point. Relogging, switching realms. Nothing works. Feels like 04.

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I replied once, to your reply. I understand you are reaching hard so as to justify your own screw up, but don’t project your insecurities onto me. You got called out, plain and simple. Own it or move on.

Also if you want to interpret my reply negatively that’s on you. If you even think I’m remotely upset you really are sensitive. It might serve you well to spend some time on self reflection, lol.

Also you are posting on a public thread. If you don’t expect people to reply to you, don’t post. I suspect you are one of those types of people who throw a fit anytime someone disagree with them, in which case that’s your problem and not mine.

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no wonder its not working for me

not for the streamer on our server!

YAH! Beat the login boss after 2 hours of trying but the World server boss is a c*ck block ! LFM world server boss pst 39 slots left! :sunglasses:
Update : 30 spots left no more ret pallies , druid tanks or shadow priests plz…


People who wear low expectations like a badge of honor amuse me.

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RAWR! This is my frustrated face

All the big twitchers are in and over lvl 7-8

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Once you go over Brack,
You go ALL the way back! :smiley:
Chill out kids. Play soon enough.

How about a Hunter with no pet?

“World Server Down” might have a deeper meaning.

Like, is it insight into the global state of affairs? Climate change? Are we all just “down” and need to find a way to pick ourselves back up again?

Perhaps the answer to unlocking our server is to fix the world, and then we, too, can experience all that Pagle has to offer.

Where do you find out the Alliance / Horde split?

My guild has been sitting here in disc with me rattling off the loading bar tips every time we try to reload. it has been quite hilarious to just sit here and wait.

only if you have your crossbow

Been steadily trying since server came up. World server down every time on Pagle. Thank goodness I’ve had other work to do instead of sit and stare at the screen.

same thing for me

I just got on. Tried like 5 times and suddenly it actually loaded instead of erroring out.

We’ll see how long it lasts.

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I just got in

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