Pagle world server is down

Damn really?


hey, at least we’re getting the authentic experience


No it’s not. My wife is playing on it at this very moment.

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Squirty, what race are you playing? I have guildies who are ok as NE atm. I’m trying to get in for dwarf but it is saying it’s down.

could’nt say worst than that :stuck_out_tongue:

I get world server down. My buddy is in game and level 4, same server


Down for humans.

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Can’t get in as a Troll

If you are on the character creation screen on Pagle trying to Enter World you are getting World Server is down currently.


undead area is down too


I tried gnome and tauren as well, world server down

Same. World server is down.

Not all the layers… my son is in the Nelf starting zone… and his layer hasn’t crashed at all… makes sense with Pagle being a 75% alliance 25% Horde… Nelf is least popular starting zone.

I managed to get almost level 3 grinding on the mage before I was DCd… went through a 8k queue… now at char select screen and keep getting world server down.


Same can’t get into Coldridge valley.

Getting same thing, was on for like 5 mins when first came up, now every char on Page says world server down…fml

If we can actually kill something, we’ll have happy fun loot lag to look forward to.

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Can confirm every time I try to login I get the message World server is down. I understand other’s layer isn’t down, however, it appears that some are having issues.

Same thing. I started out on a Dwarf…got addons set up and started running around trying to find something to kill and got DCd.

Ive been alternating between trying to get back on that and onto my nelf druid for a while, both are getting world server is down errors.

Same for Westfall.

Same here for undead, got on killed a few things then kicked, now no matter the toon or start area I just get world server down