Hey I’m looking for some info on the alliance raiding scene of Pagle. On my current server my guild is ranked #1 alliance, #2 server wide for BWL clear times with our BWL clears around the 38 minute mark. Unfortunately it’s a smaller server and horde dominated (pvp) so finding new recruits is tough and some of the leadership have decided to transfer to a larger server where they will be going separate ways in search of bigger and better things.
This leaves me in search of a new guild, and my server doesn’t have anymore serious raiding guilds that raid in my preferred time slot. My main toon is a Holy Paladin with about 900 +healing and I am looking for a guild that is in need of a new, experienced, team oriented healer.
If you’re recruiting for your guild and are in need of a holy paladin here’s a few things about me.
1: I can raid any day of the week.
2: I can really only raid starting 10:30PM Eastern time. (I can sometimes be available around 10:00 but 10:30 is a more consistent time for me)
3: I’m looking for a guild that has sub 1 hour BWL clear times, preferably closer to 30 minutes than 60.
4: I’m more than happy to show up to raid every single week with every world buff and consumable available. Want everyone to flask every week? I’m ok with that.
If you’ve read this far thank you! If your team is in search of a geared and experienced holy paladin and you think I might be a fit, hit me up on discord. My ID is ChonChon#1500.