Pagle Horde Hemorrhaging

Due to server lock.

This is a very different scenario from other servers that have seen mass exodus due to significant population imbalances. This is also different in that we are closing in on a year of classic.

Pagle Horde has always been a small-ish community. When Pagle originally started there was roughly a 65-35% alliance favored ratio. Over time that has decreased to about 86-14%.

The primary catalyst has been Blizzard locking our server to transfers to control server population. Pagle Horde has a tight community. I set up and admin the discord we use to discuss trades, head drops, cross guild runs, players to look out for, the war effort - so forth and so on.

Because we have a tight community, there’s no poaching of players across guilds. We understand and respect other guilds’ boundaries. The consequence of that is when a player leaves the game or server for any reason whatseover, the pool of players to recruit from is constantly diminishing.

Over the last two months we have seen 25% of our major raiding guilds leave the server because they cannot recruit off server due to the transfer lock. Guilds have no shortage of applicants from off server. We just can’t bring those people in.

Again, I realize Blizzard has a proven hands off policy regarding this; but, I feel that Pagle’s situation is slightly different.

If WoW is truly about community, then Blizzard should care enough to consider opening transfers to Pagle for Horde only to help us maintain the community so many of us have so laboriously built since launch.

Thanks for reading.



Well written post.



I’m Alliance on Pagle, but have seen this happen on other servers. It’s an untenable situation. Good luck.


/signed something needs to be done and this is a step in the right direction


/signed … 100% agree


Agree with this as well. The extended lock is killing our horde community and it would be nice if Blizzard would take action to prevent yet another server from being entirely a single faction.


Yeah, it seems like every other week another guild dips below a full roster and is forced to transfer off. It is getting pretty alarming and the lack of any communication or time line from blizzard for when its going to be opened back up is very discouraging to these guilds.

Edit: Thanks for the post Anraleth.
I would like to add as an example we had to turn down a group of six and then another group of three down who wanted to join us, but couldn’t because they were unaware they couldn’t transfer here.



The 3 Months ago, Alliance 6,100-Horde 1,500…The most recent pull was Alliance 6,500-Horde 940. And of the horde number, there are 3 alliance made guilds that raid logged and farmed AQ mats on horde side. So the numbers are much lower than that.


100% agreed. It’s depressing to watch the horde pop slowly shrink down to nothing and I hope they would consider doing anything to help fix it.



Pagle Horde isnt leaving by a few people each day, entire guilds have been leaving. I have been working endlessly to try and stop people from leaving. Please even 100 players would make a difference for us.



It is extremely difficult to feel our community crumbling and feel there’s nothing to be done about it. Our guild cannot afford to spend thousands of dollars to transfer mains and alts to another server. Meanwhile, we can barely find pug groups for 20-man raids and it’s almost impossible to find an at-level group if leveling an alt. Our Auction House runs bare of essential items constantly.

The solution seems so obvious. Please help keep this community vibrant.



The loss of community and friends due to mass exodus is extremely antithetical to the Classic experience. The amount of discussions I have had with people from other guilds as we nervously probe each other about whether or not our guild will be the next one to go is crazy. Back in Vanilla I no-lifed it and experienced almost all of the content. Most did not come back to experience a ‘new’ game, we came back for the social aspect that is being destroyed by Blizzard’s inaction. I understand Blizzard’s motivation not to take proper action with the money they are making off of character transfers, but if they think people like me are going to continue giving them money and be excited to experience the same thing in BC, they are wrong. If Blizz cannot show that they are able to remedy the problem now, then I do not trust that they will be able to when BC comes out, and that is not something I want to be a part of.



The folks above me have already said everything I would. Please, Blizzard, help us out here.



Please Blizzard, we are in need of your help, our server will die before Naxx if things are not done about it :frowning:


tell your alliance folks to level a horde toon. We would love new members to our community.

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To quote Abraham Lincoln’s 1864 State of the Union Address:

I regard our immigrants [to Horde-side Pagle Server] as one of the principal replenishing streams which are appointed by Providence to repair the ravages of internal war [and lapsed subscriptions] and its wastes of national strength and health.

Hopefully his wisdom prevails here!



I think besides opening the server to horde only transfers, they should be FREE transfers to incentivize people to actually come here.



We/I wont leave, but if the situation becomes untenable, we will likely just cancel. Its certainly not Pagle or bust, its Pagle till bust.



AQ gates are open, and there are no queues. Open up the server!

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No layers, no queues, AQ open… locked server. C’mon blizz