[Pagle][H] T-Th 2 night raiding guild

Hello all,

I’m judging interest in a 2 night semi-hardcore raiding guild. Times would be 8-12 EST. Name I’m thinking of is

Goal would be to be raiding by November. I personally have experience in leadership roles in multiple top 200 US guilds and have been playing since BC.

Post here if interested. If this goes over well I’ll make the guild day one. Otherwise I’ll judge interest again after launch.

Our progression goal, depending on phase release schedule, would be to clear content as fast as possible to stay in relevant content. We would not focus on taking the most optimal comp but 40 competent people.

Tues/Thurs works well for me. Rolling horde on Pagle is going to have its challenges though. The A vs H guild posting ratio is staggering.

There is a group of guilds that Asgard has organizeed for Horde on Pagle, from what I can gather including our guild Dunamas there will be close to 500 people just in this community of guilds. Delete Please

We raid 9pm to 12 pm est tues and friday and optional raid day saturday 2pm to 4pm