Pagle Ally AM guild recruiting "Rise and Grind"

New alliance guild forming “Rise and Grind”. The goal is to get a solid morning raid team for the 2nd and 3rd shifters of the working world. Goals are to clear current content. Raid days/times would be server time mon 9am-11am, Thurs 11am-1pm, Fri 9am-11am, may take it down to 2 days depending on how ppl feel/availbility. So if you have wanted to raid but never could due to work schedule nows the time. Discord is Trollrcoastr #7460. Feel free to send me a message with questions. I cleared all Wrath content when it was orginally released. I have been clearing current content ever since in retail. All raids spots/specs/roles open at the moment.


Im very interested i sent you a request on Discord.

Opps just noticed this was a horde guild R.I.P to me

No we are alliance, my horde toon is for retail