Pagle - Alliance - Group Looking For Guild

Several of us formed a guild in hopes of building a community like we had in Vanilla. We were a little to late coming into classic and the struggle is real. People join, then people leave because of too few members online, this is an endless cycle that has kept us from growing…

We have bowed our heads in defeat… there are approximately 6 of us who have decided to join an established guild that has plenty of active members online who enjoy grouping and running dungeons. We are all pretty self sufficient and generally solo regular quests but do like to group for those harder quests and few dungeons for quest completion, gear and class quests.

We are 40+ in age level and have a pretty twisted sense of humor and the guys can get potty mouthy (ex military guys) . The perfect guild for us will not be offended by dark humor, nor will they be offended by someone dropping the F-bomb once in awhile. A perfect fit will also have guild banter going on and people online during peak play times.

Please reply here if you think we may be a good fit for your guild .

Our group is also a bunch of alt hoppers so none of our folks are over level 35 yet.

The guild I’m in “We are Legendary” might be a good fit for you, over 600+ members (was at 900 but then we pruned), people are on almost all the time, levels ranging from 1-60, we have a discord that actually gets used!

Retired Navy here. Feel free to check us out brother.

Will take exception to the levels if yall are leveling strong

Thank you for the response. I will discuss it with out group. Who is the best person to reach out to in your guild to discuss it further?

Edit: I contacted your guild leader but he was in BRD and did not really talk to me much other than to ask for a link to this post. I sent a mail before logging for the night and no response this morning.

Thanks for responding. Our group is still leveling casually and are not in a rush to reach max level. While we do all want to do end content, we aren’t in a hurry to get there.

We are still looking and hoping to find the perfect fit for us.

To contact me in game I may be on one of several alts.



Hey @Wytetygryss

I know the feeling about members coming and going. We are recruiting new members; however, unlike some of these other guilds with hundreds of members, we have closer to 27 with some being alts and are growing slowly.

We are a close group that likes to group up for just about anything and use voice over Discord. A number of us are ex-military - I’m Army myself - and the age range is 20s to 50s.

We would love to have you all and your alts in our guild! If you would like to just hang out with us in Discord and give us a try, let me know. We are also mostly on in the evening and at night.

My Discord is 5LLDude#9079 and my btag is MereServant#1451

Here is our guild recruitment statement:

I was going to refer you to the GM actually, either him or one of the officers who actually have invite power. I’m sure he will get back to you when he gets a chance to check his in-game mail however! :slight_smile:

Sadly, I never did get a reply. I appreciate your trying though. :smiley:

I’m totally following this post. I am also alliance on Paigle and ran into this EXACT SAME THING. I would love to tag along if you end up finding someplace. :slight_smile:

I am also over 40 years old (single mom) and have no brain to mouth filter.



Idk if you are still looking for a guild but I my guild is called we are a small guild with 75 people. We have a discord where a bunch of us hangout. We are planning on setting up raid teams and such but are really just focused on having a good time and enjoy getting to 60 with no rush. If you want to try us out or get more info feel free to contact my main Saelody and my bnet is Saelody#1901 in case im offline!

Wyte, I sent you an in-game mail. Please look me up here or somewhere on Azeroth. We’re both looking for a good guild fit and I’m thinking we might connect and go through the journey together.
