Padaria Remix

I just started this Pandaria Remix and have a problem. I landed on ground from the Skyship and started the ground quests. As I’m doing the quests I got teleported back to ship and I can’t get down again. When I jump or use a floating spell, 1/2 down I’m sent back to ship. Anybody have any ideas?

you probably have to do the part of the campaign where you fly on the chopper and shoot orcs.


Same thing happened to me. I jumped on a mount and flew off and it worked

LOL ya I did not realize I can fly at lvl 10.

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Welcome to remix :wink:
Just wait until you hit lvl 50 and you are STILL questing through jade forest rofl.

I’ve encountered this glitch multiple times.

Quitting the game and relaunching fixed it for one toon (/reload did not).

For another, I just flew to Valley of Four Winds and back - staying far away from the airship.

There is a spot below and near the sky ship that yanks you back up for no apparent reason. I found flying straight off in any direction and not landing near the ship at all helps.

Yep there is a spot on the west side when you land from the sky ship, that sends you back up. Keep away from there and you will be fine.

This has happened to me on multiple characters. Either hearth (it’ll put you in Paw’don village) or fly off via the front of the ship, not the side where you jump.